xix. chocolate house

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chapter nineteen!
chocolate house

    IT STARTED to rain as Nina rushed along to the grocers. There was a small one just around the block that should have everything she needed for a quick dinner. She didn't really know what made her ask Peter to stay, and made her so eager to do all of that work again. But Harry hadn't replied or called her back, and Peter was in the neighbourhoodhaving gone out of his way to wish her a surprise congratulations. He did that without thought; just because that was who he was. Peter Parker was selfless; that was something Nina knew Harry wasn't, even if he tried to be. She used to think he was: all the times he'd protect Peter back in school from Flash, but as she got to know him past the charming smiles and jokes, she realised Harry didn't know how to listen. He didn't know how to be there for somebody else; he was so surrounded by his own problems he became blind to what others might be going through. 

    Nina hugged her chest as the rain started to get heavier, shuffling along closer to the buildings for cover. Her gaze drifted upwards towards the centre of the city bright even through the rain in the distance and imagined Spider-Man swinging in between the skyscrapers. It made her smile a little and add an extra skip to her step around the corner. 

    Chatter behind her caught her attention. Curious, Nina glanced over her shoulder and saw a small group of two men walking a few metres behind her. Dressed well for the rain in coats and sweaters, she frowned slightly to see their not-so-subtle glances her way, as if trying to look nochalant. 

     Nina pursed her lips and faced the front. She picked up her pace slightly. She wasn't too far from the grocers; as soon as she's in there, she'll be in the light, and if they are being horrible people, probably would lose interest and move on. Conscious, Nina hugged her jacket tighter around her, feeling the rain start to pelt.  

    (How omnious, she cursed it). 

    The chatter continued to follow. Nina glanced back yet again and saw one of the young men waving at her, "Hey!" he called, grinning. His friend whistled, as if that was supposed to be some compliment. 

     Nina started to rush further and her heart jolted with fear to see them pick up their own pace to catch up to her. They cooed, asking her to slow down, choruses of come on, baby and why're being like that? It wasn't even that late. There was light on the sidewalk, cars parked on the street and shops open. Nina's breath hitched and she followed her instinct to break out into a run, her heart racing, horrified, when the two men quickened into a jog after her.

     With the rain falling, and the wet road, Nina was careful not to slip, barely even checking the road before crossing it into the next block. They can't follow me forever, she told herself, but knew that was a lie. Nina ran faster on her toes, her jacket flying behind her as she ducked into an alleyway, hoping they didn't see her. Was this a shortcut to the shops? She was sure there was oneor was it the next alleyway?

     Nina stopped when she reached a dead end. "Damnit!" she cursed, spinning around and feeling her racing heart crawl up her throat to see the two men laugh as they came into the alleyway with her. "Go away!" she told them as they slowed their pace. "I'm not interested."

     The first mantaller and braver than his friend, held a hand to his heart, "You wound me, babe. I saw the way you glanced at me before. You want it."

     "What is wrong with you?" Nina searched around for an escape. As the two friends closed in, she tried to step around them, only to gasp to see two more. They cut her off, having followed her way back all the way from her apartment. Nina shuffled back as they made kissing noises, actually taunting her. She didn't think they did thatshe thought that only happened in the movies. 

𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮,      peter parkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin