Chapter 77: For The Best

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Y/N: I'd really prefer being in there with her! There is no way we can trust her aunt and cousins! They even told us what they were planning!

I was as anxious as I had ever been! Even more so than when I was being stalked by various agents or whatever they are that work for my so called father.

Akko: What do we do then? There's no way we can stay out here and let it happen! We gotta do something!

Hannah: There is not any point now....

The four of us were outside on one of the many balconies overlooking the estate and the hills beyond. We just couldn't get to sleep knowing that Diana was in danger and we weren't even allowed in to help her.

Y/N: There is a point Hannah! We can't give up! We left Luna Nova with a task on our minds. And that was to bring her back safe. I am going to complete that task, no matter what or who gets in our way!

Andrew: You're dedicated. I admire that about you.

I didn't realise Andrew was still with us. I thought his father had left already and assumed he had gone with him.

Andrew: Actually, it would be wrong for me to say that was the only thing I admired about you.

Y/N: How so?

Andrew: There is a lot of things that you are that I wish I was. You're a perfect role model for not giving up.

Y/N: Thanks. I pride myself by doing that. No matter what life seems to throw at me.

He nods his head and stands next to me.

Andrew: You know that she won't change her mind though. No matter how much you beg and how much she loves you.

Y/N: I-I know that. And I respect that decision she's made. I just really hope that she succeeds. Better her be happy that she completed the ceremony rather than feel like a failure. Still, doesn't mean I don't want to bring her back.

Andrew: I understand. You know, growing up I never saw Diana getting into any serious relationships. She would always be so concentrated on her magic, she would distance herself from other kids.

Hannah: Yeah, doing something that was more worth her time!

Hannah walked up behind me and put her arms around me.

Andrew: Anyway, it would always take someone special to capture her heart. Well done Y/N.

Y/N: Th-thanks...I-I still don't know how I managed to do that...

Andrew: By being you and treating her the best I've ever seen anyone treat her. Keep it up.

Y/N: Yeah I would, but it looks like I won't be able to now.

I lean over the edge of the balcony and felt arms wrap around me.

Akko: W-we still have an opportunity right?

Y/N: I wouldn't count on it Akko. ready to leave tomorrow morning.

Suddenly, there were voices outside. They were easily recognisable as Diana's cousins.

Y/N: Ah crap! We need to hide!

Andrew jumped over the wall where there seemed to be a little bit of room to stand on. Akko followed him as Hannah and Barbara quickly took their wands out and transformed into mice.

I joined Akko and Andrew as Hannah and Barbara hid themselves in the pockets of my jacket.

Y/N: Just hope they won't see us...

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