Chapter 2: Accepted into Luna Nova

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I sat there processing what Miss Holbrooke had told me. She wanted me to stay here, my mind was conflicted. I wanted this to be true, but my past experiences are clouding my thoughts and I couldn't make up my mind. I was torn and it showed on my face while the headmistress tried to reassure me.

Holbrooke: "I don't know all the things you have been through Y/N. But I want to reassure you that it safe here. No one here will hurt you I will make sure of it. We here at Luna Nova will try and make this a safe environment for you."

I look up at her and she has a reassuring smile on her face. For the first time in who knows how long, someone was willing to take care of me. A small smile started to spread across my face.

Y/N: "T-thank you ma'am. I-I don't know how to thank you."

Holbrooke: "You don't need to Y/N. I refuse to turn down anyone who is going through something like you have. It is my job as Headteacher to make sure that my students are doing alright. You might not be a student here, but you need our help to put you back on the right path."

I nod my head. At last I was safe.

Holbrooke POV

I could see his expression slowly change to one of relief. How ever long he has been living like he is not valued finally ends today. Of course I will have to tell the rest of the faculty about what has occurred. They have to understand what kind of a place he is in. But I have to tell them everything and I can't do that without Y/N's approval.

Holbrooke: "Now Y/N,I have to tell the rest of the teachers about you and what position you are in. But that means I will have to tell them everything, I don't want to do that until I have your permission."

He takes a moment to think as this must be a difficult decision for him to make. Eventually he grants me permission.

Y/N: "O-ok I-If you r-really have to."

Holbrooke: "Thank you Y/N. We will make sure you feel at home here. Now that's out of the way we can get you a place to sleep for the night, then tomorrow we will make sure to get you a proper room. Is that ok with you."

He nods.

Holbrooke: "Alright now just a few things, the term has already started so the students are all present on the campus. But don't worry, I don't want to rush you into anything so you wont start until next week. That gives you enough time to settle in and maybe make some friends."

Y/N: "T-thank you."

He smiles at me slightly. It goes to show how little had to be done to make this boy feel better.

Holbrooke: "Well for now Y/N you will sleep have to sleep in one of the classrooms. Is that ok with you?"

Y/N: "Y-yeah t-that's fine."

Holbrooke: "Ok follow me please Y/N."

We both get up as I lead him to try and find a suitable place for him to sleep.


I followed the headmistress around the school. It was dark and cold but better that I was in place that I could feel safe in. Eventually we came to a locked door which she opened using the staff she was holding. I guess she did say this was a witch school so I shouldn't be surprised that she used magic. As we walked in I looked around. The seats were arranged just like you would find at a university. I looked back at Miss Holbrooke as she summoned things that I could sleep on.

Holbrooke: "Ok Y/N, this is all you should need for now. The school will provide anything else you need. And don't worry there aren't meant to be any classes here tomorrow so you don't have to worry about anyone finding you here. Just wait in here until I come and get you tomorrow. Goodnight Y/N."

She turns around and walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her. I'm finally alone again with my thoughts. I walk up to the top of the room and look down. I stood there and tried to process all that had happened. However, I was just so tired I couldn't think. I laid down my things on one of the rows. As I got into the sleeping bag and laid my head onto my pillow, I drifted off to sleep.


Holbrooke POV

I had gathered all of the teachers in my office so I could tell them about Y/N.

Holbrooke: "Ok everyone, I'm going to get straight to the point. You are here because a situation has arose. Last night I found a young boy who needs our help."

Everyone one in the room looked at me surprised.

Professor Finnelan: "What do you mean Headmistress?"

I sigh deeply and start to explain everything.

Holbrooke: "I found him in the woods cold and alone, he was terrified."

Professor Finnelan: "Does his parents know where he is?"

Holbrooke: "N-no.... they were the ones who abandoned him there."

Everyone in the room gasped at this statement. No one could believe their ears, some even had tears forming in their eyes.

Professor Ursula: "O-oh my god!"

I went on and explained everything else. As I went on the feelings of sadness turned into anger.

Professor Ursula: "H-how can people be so cruel?!"

I didn't have an answer as more people expressed their outrage. After everything had calmed down I spoke again.

Holbrooke: "I have told him he can stay here and learn here. He deserves to get a proper education so he gets a life that everyone deserves."

Everyone nods in agreement.

Holbrooke: "He will start next week so he has time to settle in and make friends. I'm sure the girls will be welcoming to him. Tell your classes that we have a new boy in the school, just so we don't have any confusion."

Professor Badcock: "We will Headmistress."

Holbrooke: "Ok everyone you may leave."

Everyone started to leave until it was just me and Finnelan who looked at me with a bewildered look on her face.

Professor Finnelan: "Some people in this world..."

Holbrooke: "I know..."

Finnelan wasn't normally like this, but this was a serious matter and she knew she had to help.

Holbrooke: "We need to introduce him to one of the girls. Someone who can keep an eye on him while he is settling down."

Professor Finnelan: "What about Miss Cavendish? She is our star student and would be willing to help someone in need."

I took a moment to think and soon agreed.

Holbrooke: "Yes your right. Find Miss Cavendish and bring her here, we will explain everything to her in private so this isn't spread around the school."

Finnelan nods and walks out of the room as I also walk out to go and collect Y/N.

To be continued.

A/N: Ok next chapter is up. At the moment I think I will try and update this one more as I just have so many ideas! I'm not abandoning my other story, I'm just trying to get this one up to speed. I'm going to have to balance this with college work so updates might get a little slower but I promise I'll try to update as fast as I can! I'll be starting the next chapter tonight, so it might be up by tomorrow some time.

Until next time, bye bye!

[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now