Chapter 89: She Can Fly!

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Today was perfect! The sun was shining bright, there was hardly a cloud in the sky and the breeze gently blew in my face.

It hadn't been long at all since the drama with the missile and there was a whole different buzz about the school and the town for that matter.

Everyone knew what happened and the interest in magic was at a high it hadn't been for generations! It meant that there was a bright future ahead for Luna Nova!

If there were any magic families that lived in isolation, then they now had the opportunity to emerge again! And potentially, send the new generation to learn magic here.

Perhaps this place will allow more boys as well, seeming as they've had no problem having me learn here!

But that's something to worry about later. For now, the majority of my last week or so I had spent my time with Akko trying to primarily get her in the air.

We did try and do a few other things like get her metamorphosis magic up to scratch, but the primary focus was to get her in the air. It was the one thing she had been trying her hardest to accomplish since she was a child.

Akko: Wind? Good! Broom? Good! Timing? Good! Because today is Mayfair!

And for the first time this week, everyone came out to watch Akko try and fly. It had mainly been me and her with Lotte and Sucy dropping in every so often. But today, all the other girls came with us.

Akko: Tia Freyre!!

There was a split second where it looked like it would work, but there was still no result resulting in Akko beginning to yell the incantation while jumping up and down.

Wangari: Oh...shoot! Looks like Akko is still struggling to get into the air! But she's trying her hardest!

Joanna was taking pictures of Akko trying to get into the air while Wangari commentated over it and Kimberly wrote down everything that was going on.

Sucy: No big surprise that it didn't work today either.

Sucy was busy playing a game with Constanze on a console that she had brought outside. She didn't even have to look at Akko to say that. Mainly because she was yelling.

Lotte: But, it looks like you're getting closer Akko!

Sharing a Nightfall book with Barbara and Elfriede, Lotte was doing her best to keep encouraging Akko. It was nice to see Barbara comfortable enough to read the book around everyone else now!

Akko: Really?! You think I am!

Y/N: I'd say so! You're making some definite progress there Akko!

Amanda: Meh...I'm not too sure Y/N. After all, she is still just jumping around on the spot.

Amanda was sat at a table that has been decked out with a fancy white cloth. There was plates full of little sandwiches and cakes, with plenty of pots full of tea and the cups to go with them.

It was all needed seeming as there was over twenty of us out here! Joining Amanda at the table was Diana, Avery and Chloe. The latter of the three occasionally glaring at Diana.

Akko: Hey! I thought you were all here to cheer me on!

Diana: I'm only here because you sounded so confident. But it doesn't look like today will be your shining moment.

Akko pouted and puffed out her cheeks.

Akko: Well, today is gonna be the day! I know it!

Y/N: Yeah it will Akko! Come on! You got this!

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