Chapter 5: Why is it looking at me?

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W h a t   t h e   h e l l   i s   t h a t   t h i n g ??????????????????

Why is it looking at me?!


That was all my concerned ass could think of at that moment. Why was it looking at me.

The huge, bat-like creature had beautiful ruby eyes. Yes, beautiful. I don't know why I called it beautiful, but it was.

Everyone had shut up a while ago.

They were just silently staring at the thing with freaked-out eyes. I was stuck in the basket for a while and it looked like this would be the last place I would every see.

As I was silently pitying myself, the bat dude...thingy had already come and calmly folded its wings. It looked at everyone for a moment, then suddenly spoke.

"I am here for the child," the bat dude spoke. He spoke in a very deep voice, sending shivers down my little baby spine.

Everyone was quiet for a bit, then someone spoke, "Sir...the, uh, baby is right underneath the basket."

The bat dude who had been sitting (standing?) on a large tree branch with his marvelous folded wings looked down to where I was kind of just...staring at him with my big green eyes.

"The child...oh. Okay. I will be taking it from here now, unless any of you want to accompany me to the demons palace," the bat dude added, "We're running out of servants. Please, I need to recruit some or his majesties son will kill me." the bat dude looked like he was about to cry through his beautiful ruby red eyes. I'm still stuck on that.

"Sorry, sir. Come back some other time," some lady spoke in the crowd.

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

The desperate bat dude looked at all the humans who were standing there, then dejectedly flew down to where I was, picked my basket up, and left.

After a few seconds I somewhat processed what was happening.

Oooooh I'm flying~

Then I realized.

Wait. What was happening back there? Blanked out, dammit.

I felt the cold wind whip my face one last time before falling asleep.

Hope the dude eats me quickly.

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