Chapter 32

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STOP PIRATING!!! READ FOR FREE ON WATTPAD AGHHHHHHHH it's not long cus I've been dealing with some problems so sorry about that! I'll try to do faster updates and decent sized chapters T-T for now I just wanted to get this chapter out here
I immediately reacted and dropped to my knees next to Hade. First I checked whether or not he still had a pulse by placing two fingers at his neck and wrist. Thankfully he still had one, but it was faint. I couldn't hear breathing or any sound for that matter coming from him.

Though distressed and in mild panic, I started a sloppy but quick, temporary treatment using pieces of cloth from the clean area of my shirt—the top right side— and some healing magic. Something that would last for at least a few hours, just until we got some actual treatment for him was fine. At least I hoped.

Then I turned to look at the back of the currently fleeing woman. There had been something wrong with the way she had reacted, as if she was forced to do that by an outer force. Nonetheless I couldn't help but feel severe animosity towards her, but I couldn't go after her. Right now my priorities were to get Hade to a safe place. As I carried the unconscious Hade the rest of the way to the village in a hurried pace, I started thinking of a few things I regretted.

I wished I had studied healing magic more, but I never thought that I may ever need it. I only taught myself the bare minimum for emergencies and had focused on offensive and defensive techniques in case of combat. Now I regret it. Hade most likely wouldn't make it if I didn't do something soon. There was also that poison shit in his body, which only worked in making this situation worse for him.

I also wished I hadn't treated him like someone I couldn't trust. Sure, he was stupid at times such as now, but at least he seemed sincere even if he wasn't completely. That was enough. I could deal with his stupidity and his unloyal behavior, but I couldn't bear to see him die.

Unless I were to do the killing.


I was snapped back to the present when I heard a sound come from Hade. I almost dropped him to the ground out of surprise but managed to not.

"A...are you okay?" I asked, hoping for a response. There was none, but at least I had some assurance about the fact that he was still alive.

I continued trekking the path.

Finally, after a long 15 minute trek, we arrived at the village. However, something felt really off. There were almost no people present in the area. Barely any sounds were being made. It was as if the people were trying not to make any sounds.

However, first I needed to get Hade to a safe place. Sure, we had finally arrived at the village where the elf—who I didn't know what to call at this point because I didn't bother to remember her name—resided.

...I should've probably remembered her name. Stupid world doesn't have a good long distance contact system either. I couldn't do anything.

Hopefully she hadn't moved out yet. Though she probably hadn't because she was in desperate need of money.

I walked around looking for some open residence. Somewhere I could ask for help, but for some reason there wasn't any.

It was almost as if I had stepped into a ghost town.

I finally decided to take a break next to a well. That was when a heavy red fog descended.

Wasting a few seconds of precious time, I immediately put Hade down onto the ground with care and quickly got up. I was in a ready stance; my katana slightly unsheathed, glowing, indicating how full of magic it was currently, and my legs bent and ready to fight.

Then there was a sound of glass breaking, a scream and dead silence.

That's when the havoc began.

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