Sanca- The Call

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ring ring! ring ring!

 I came running to the phone looking at the number hopefully. YES! The pet store had finally called me! I quickly answered it.

"Hello, this is Sanca speaking!"  I say trying to keep the excitement out of my voice.

"Ah yes Mr.Sanca?  We just got a new shipment of exotic pets including a male human, you requested one correct?"  says the shopkeeper.

"Yes sir!" I say eagerly, still trying to stay at least a little professional.

"Well then, will today be a good time to see him?"

"Of course! Yes yes!" I cry happily.

"Alright then sir, we are excited for you to come and thank you" the shopkeeper hangs  up.

I can't believe I'm getting a human!  I think as I drive down the road. I had already bought lots of food, bowls, collar, a leash a bared bed. When I arrived, I told the man at the front desk my name and he told me to sit and wait for Dr.Araback. Finally a tall blue man with doctors clothes on looks at me and calls me back.

"Now this human will require more work, one of handlers captured him by accident, so we had to take him" he says as he leads me to the very end of the cages.

"Salan! Mind grabbing some food for the human?" the doctor yells to a purple talagra.

When Salan returns, he has a bowl of food pellets in his hand. He unlocks the door and leads us in.  As soon as we enter a small blur runs to the bed and takes shelter under the blankets. I look at the doctor, "M-may I?" I ask.

"Of course!" says Dr.Araback.

I slowly approach the blanket and lift it up. I then coo to the little human as I slowly unfold it and try to take it away. He suddenly grips tighter trying to keep it. I gently, but firmly pull it out of his hands so I can see all of him. He was so small! His big grey eyes stared at mine clearly unhappy I took the blanket. I start rubbing his tummy trying to see if he would show any cute emotions, but he just glared and tried to crawl  out of my lap. I sigh and hold him. Then Doctor Araback sends Salan over with the bowls. We try to feed him without forcing him, but he just pushes the pellets away every time we try to give him one. Finally, we resort to force feeding him until he's eaten at least a quarter of the pellets.

And apparently the pellets didn't sit well with him because he threw them right back up all over my lap. Poor thing, I think to myself as I wrap him back up in his blanket.

"I'll take him" I say.

I go to the front desk while the two of them start getting the carrier ready for my new pet.

I sign all the documents and pull out the collar so I can put his name tag on it, when I realize, I haven't thought of names. Then I remember, my friend, my friend had died in a car crash, was called Tome. So I named my pet Tome.

They carry out my pet, who seems awfully quiet, so I peek in to see he is sound asleep. Welcome to your new family Tome.

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