The Trainer- Heartson

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I wake up to Green Bean try to wake me. I guess it worked. He coos and pulls me out of the crib and gently carries my to the car. Now where is he taking me? I'm starting to hate car rides, and he knows I'll throw up so he doesn't feed me.

When we finally get to where we're going he drops me into someone else's arms. He pats my head and leaves me. Well shit. The new alien carries me to a big room full of toys and other stuff. He sets me down and lets me check things out, while he grabs some stuff.

I decide not to move and explore, just to be difficult. He just smiled and sat down with a bottle of milk. He clicked and chirped at me, and I just glared angrily.  He sighed and got up with to grab a new collar, it looked no different from the one I was wearing now, but I didn't want to take any chances. So, I ran. It took him about ten minutes to finally grab me. And he also spanked me.

The humiliation of being spanked like a child pushed my delicate emotions into a disaster, I screamed, hit, bit, kicked, and fought the creature with all my rage just flowing out, until I finally calmed down. I was expecting to be punished worse, but it just cooed and rocked me, and with no rage left, I burst into tears. Tears of sadness, of fear, frustration, confusion, and homesickness. I missed my friends from school, and the pictures of my mother. I even missed my father, I just wanted to go home.

The creature pushed the bottle into my mouth, it tensed like it was ready for me to put up a fight, but I didn't, I was too sad and upset. So, I suckled the bottle, which was surprisingly yummy, and started tugging trying to get every last drop. The thing chuckled and patted my back, until..... blurp!

I started to feel so sleepy, but I guess the thing didn't want me to nap just yet, because he set me down and grabbed a toy. It was one of those things where you had to put the right shape into the correct cutout in the box. I really didn't want to do it, but i had a feeling after this i could go to sleep. So I did it reluctantly and then looked at him. He crooned and scooped me up, rocking me until i fell into the hands of darkness.

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