Chapter 4

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I was at the sink washing my mouth out when Kayla came in. She looked concerned.

"You good Mani?" She asked.
I nodded, not saying anything. "Well I just wanted to make sure." She said, still looking at me. She definitely knew something was off.

"I'll be out in a minute, don't worry." I assured her. "Go make sure Ivy isn't harassing Mordechai." I joked, urging her to leave.

She did reluctantly, and I turned back to the sink. I looked in the mirror at myself, wondering how this was happening to me. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I knew for sure whether or not I was pregnant.

Thinking of the possibility was enough to make my stomach turn. How could I be pregnant by a guy who raped me? This just wasn't


I tried my hardest to think of way to get a pregnancy test, but I was on punishment and I couldn't get out the house. This was one of those times where I wished for a normal sister, one who would have my back and help me. But the one I got was the person who got me on punishment in the first place.

If Kayla thought I was pregnant she might actually get my parents involved. I couldn't risk that. So I called the one person I knew would come through and not have a clue what's going on. Mordechai.

I called him nervously. I wasn't sure how I was gonna pull this off. He picked up pretty quickly.


"Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"What favor?"

"Don't tell anyone this, but Ivy needs a pregnancy test. Our parents aren't letting us leave the house and she needs one right now."

"Wow? That's—okay, you want me to go buy one or something?"

"That would be great yeah. She'll pay you back."

"I guess I can do that. How am I gonna get it in your house?"

"Just leave it in the mailbox."

"Okay, I gotchu."

"You're a lifesaver Mordechai."

"No problem."

After we hung up I felt a little bad for lying to him. I didn't feel as bad for lying on Ivy though.

An hour later I got a text from him that he dropped it off. I threw on my hoodie and went downstairs to go get the "mail."

I checked the mailbox and sure enough it was there. Two boxes. He so clutch for that. I stuffed them both on the inside of my hoodie to conceal them and went back inside to take them.

I said a little prayer before I took the test, hoping God might finally come through for me. After I was done I held the test in my hand despite my sweaty palms. As the minutes passed it became clearer and clearer. I was pregnant.

Snook POV

"Damn nigga, you been sick all day!" My homie Coop joked, nudging me from my bed. "You need to get up nigga, Dom outside."

"Dom?!" I said back in surprise. I got up real quick then. "What he doin here?"

Coop looked at me like I said I wanted to fuck his girl or sumn. "Nigga you forgot we meeting with his connect today?!"


"Okay, hollon, I'll come out in a minute." I told him pushing him out my room.
I went over to my mirror and put on my father's chain. I did not feel good at all, nor did I feel like going to meet the connect, but I had to. I been throwing up like crazy all day and I don't know why.

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