Chapter 11

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Snook POV

Lucky for me I still had Ken's location on. She used to trip so hard on where a niggas was at but now I'm out here looking for her ass. My plan was just to pull up on her with gifts and beg until she gave in. I ain't care how long I had to be there or if I came off as a bitch or sum either I need Ken back.

As I was diving to her location I noticed it was close to Imani's house? "Let me zoom in on that shit" I muttered to myself. I zoomed in closer to get the exact location and that shit looked like she was right at Imani house forreal. "Oh fuck." I sighed. I put my car in gear and started rushing over there. I know how crazy Keniyah is, I hope Imani can hold on till I get there.

Imani POV

I laughed in her face. She can't be serious, right?
"What's funny bitch?" She said, rolling her neck with attitude. I looked at the two girls who were there with her, I recognized one of them. The pregnant girl who was in the car with me and Snoop from he other day who was giving me all that attitude.
Of course this is because of Snook. He always in some shit.

"I don't know why yall here, but you need to leave before I call the police." I said simply, trying not to show any weakness.

"Bitch I ain't goin no mothafuckin where until you run me my one hoe! You acting all scared, but you wasn't scared when you was fucking my nigga tho?!" She started getting all in my face, I instinctively backed up.

"You need to chill with that bitch word. I been real cool but you need to back the fuck up." I was starting to get mad. How this bitch come to my house and try to press me? She needs to press her nigga. I might not be from the hood but I'm not scary. I would've probably started swinging then and there if I wasn't pregnant.

"Whatchu gonna do about it BITCH?!" She said continuing to come closer. Thats when I pulled my phone out to call the police just like I said I would, and outta nowhere this bitch knocked my phone out of my hand and started grabbing me. That's it. I'm done being nice. I swung on her first.

Snook POV

When I pull up to Imani place, I can see her and Keniyah out in her front yard fighting. "Shit!" I shouted to myself. Imani had Ken by the hair and was knocking her shit lowkey. I jumped out the car and ran ran toward them. "AYE YALL STOP!!" As I'm running to them they still fighting when Ken hooks Imani right in the stomach. Imani lets out a scream and stops fighting but Ken keeps going and gets on top of her. "GET THE FUCK OFFA HER?!" Dee and Ken other ugly ass friend try to stop me from breaking it up but I practically throw Ken off Imani. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"I yell at her while trying to help Imani. She's on the ground, crying holding her stomach because of the pain.

"GET UP BITCH!" Keniyah screams while Dee holds her back.
I don't know why but that pissed me off even more. Keniyah prolly knew Imani ain't wanna fight. And she still going on even when she sees her like this? I turned around and went up to her full of anger. "You know she pregnant right?! What he fuck is wrong with you!? Are you fucking retarded bitch?!" I said the words through gritted teeth. My fists were all balled up, I was ten seconds from completely going off on her.

"What the fuck you mean she pregnant?" Keniyah said looking at me in surprise. I ain't even say nothing. I just went back to help Imani off the ground and to my car. She was still crying and holding her stomach.

Imani POV
"You good?" Snook asked me as he drove.

I shook my head, still holding my stomach from the pain. All I could think about is how my baby could be dead. I think it was the first time I ever called it that, "my baby," I had been avoiding this reality for so log but the moment I might lose it it hits me. "Where we goin?" I managed to get the words out from all the pain I was in.

"To the hospital."

"N-no hospital—"

"You gotta go Imani, to make sure the baby is okay-"

"I cant go to the hospital okay?! My parents cannot know I'm pregnant Snook!" I screamed, starting to cry again.

"Calm down and stop all that yelling!" You goin to the hospital, I don't give a fuck what you want." He said back to me firmly.

I just started crying even harder now. My life is over.
"This is all your fault, I wish I never met you." I said shaking my head. "You're the reason I'm in this mess—"

'My life ain't been easy since I met you either so shut the fuck up! You want me to be the bad guy so bad but all I've done is try to help you."

"You were trying to help me when you got me drunk and had sex with me?! Kiss my ass!!!" I yelled back at him.

"I was drunk too Imani! But I remember you saying yes so again shut that shit up! What kinda bitch let a nigga she don't know fuck raw when she not on birth control anyways!? If it's my fault, it's yours too. I'm tired of you tryna blame me for every fucking thing that happened to you! It's not all my fault you got your ass beat! It's not all my fault you got pregnant! And it's definitely not my fucking fault you got raped!" He screamed every word at me, and it just made me sink further. I didn't say anything after that. I just sat and cried quietly until we got to the hospital.

Maybe it is my fault? I mean, I know better?
By the time we got to the hospital I guess he noticed how quiet I was so he started to speak again. "I'm sorry for yelling, now let's go." He said it not even looking at me. I guess that's how he apologizes? He opened his door and got out, then he came to open mine and help me out of the car. I knew when I went into this hospital it wasn't no turning back. Shit was about to get more serious.

Authors Note:
Hey yall. I just wanna give a quick thank you for all the interaction I've been getting! Don't be afraid to comment and vote. Let me know hat you think so far? I'm genuinely interested.
All love.

16 & pregnant by a thug Where stories live. Discover now