Chapter 13

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I was in the studio watching Rome in the booth. He was tryna start rapping, he was starting to do numbers. A lot of niggas try to rap but he actually had potential though. I was fucking with it. "Aye, Snook you wanna get on this shit?" Rome called out to me. It brought me out of my thoughts, I guess he noticed I was out of it. I was still stuck on last night with Ken and Imani.

"Nah man I cant do that shit." I laughed to myself.

"Just get on this beat nigga and spit sumn." I reluctantly got up and approached the booth, it was just me, him and the engineer.

I listened to the beat a couple times, and I came up with a bar or two. I didn't think it was nothing major, just how I was feeling in that moment. But Rome liked it alot and pulled out his phone.

"Nah nigga you gotta write that down." He shook his head, laughing. "That shit kinda cold."

"Mane get the fuck outta my face" I didn't believe him, I thought he was just gassing me. But when the engineer agreed I figured he might be telling the truth. So after that we got to work, me and him. It felt good to write everything out like that. I had a lotta shit goin on and barely anyone to talk to, but putting it in a rap, I never thought of doing it before. I see why so many niggas do it.

By the time we finished with the track it had gotten dark outside, I aint even feel the time pass by forreal. When Rome told me it was 8 I knew I had been here too long, so I got ready to go. When I picked up my phone ourside the booth I had hella notifications. Mostly from Coop and my Unlce Dom. I immediately called my Uncle Dom back.

"Whats good unc?" I asked over the phone as I got in my car.

"What the hell you been doin that you can't pick up the fucking phone?" He scolded me, I could tell he was irritated by his voice.

"My bad, I was in the studio with Rome.."

"Fuck all that, its a situation at the house right now." He told me.

"What kinda situation?" I asked.

"That pregnant girl over here again, she said she wont leave until she talks to you."

Imani POV

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" Snook asked as he walked in his room. He didn't even say hi, not like it would make it better but damn.

"My parents kicked me out." i just blurted it out. The reality had set in for me. I didn't have time to feel bad for myself though. I had come up with a gameplan to stay off the streets. I had Kayla and Mordechai, but their parents were way too strict and religious to let a pregnant teenager live with them. They prolly wouldn't even want us being friends anymore. Snook was all I had left at this point.

"And? What about the money I gave you?"

"It's in my room. I left my purse in the car with my phone when they—when they drove off and left me on the side of the road." I said, trying to hold it together.

He looked at me with this pitiful expression, he did that a lot. "That's cold blooded. My mom kicked me out too." He admitted.
That was the first time he ever told me about himself. He was starting to open up, it made me feel better about being such a mess.

"I just need to crash for the night—"

"You can crash for as long as you need to Mani. Till you get this shit figured out."


"Yeah. Dom won't care, just keep yo head down, ya feel me?" I nodded to show I understood him. Whatever shady business they got goin I dont know shit. I needed to figure out my next move in the meantime.

Snook POV

I felt bad Imani was in the situation she was in. If I hadn't made her go to the hospital her parents might not have kicked her out. If we hadn't met she wouldn't even be pregnant. My bad decisions were effecting more than just me. I told Imani she could sleep in my bed and I would go to the guest room since she was already in there. I got my phone and my charger and walked to the guest room. When I got in there I laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

My phone vibrated and I checked it. It was Ken.

Can we talk?

I wasn't expecting her to wanna talk to me. And I wasn't expecting to entertain her if she did. I wanted to be mad at Ken, I really did. But I love her for real. She was mad because of what I did. I fucked up, that doesn't make what she did to Imani okay, but I understand. If the roles were switched and I found out she was creeping around on me I would kill somebody.


Is her kid yours?

Idk, it's a possibility

U wanna be with her?

Ken all we did was fuck one time
Idek her like that & I was drunk asf
She said after we did some other dude raped her
So im just tryna help
Idk if its mine or someone elses
But if it is imma step up

So it might not be yours?

I won't know until i get a dna test done

You want it to be yours?

No, i dont
Im not ready for a kid
Ken Im sorry
I just want us to be together
I dont wanna lose you
We been together too long to let 
this get in between us.
I know I fucked up but I wont fuck up again, I promise.
I learned my lesson. I miss you.
You been down with me since day one
and I'll be damned if i let a stranger ruin that.
Im sorry for going off on you at her house too.
She just been going through a lot.
I know you dont wanna hear what she goin through
but i feel bad for her.
She aint got nobody looking out for her, she still young.
I promised her I would help her find who did that shit to her. 
But I aint been right since last night.
I need you around. You aint gotta respond right now,
I dont even deserve a response, but think about  meeting me face to face soon.
I love you so much .

She read my message but she didn't respond. After that I just put in my AirPods and listened to some music, tryna get my mind off of it. I said everything I had to say. Imani prolly wouldn't have wanted me to tell Ken she got raped but i need to be totally honest with her about the situation if I want any chance at saving our relationship. I just hope Ken sees that Im trying to do right and gives me the opportunity to redeem myself.

Authors Note:
Heyyyy! Sorry I took a while to put out this next part, but I been feeling inspired. So here it goes. How do yall feel about this chapter? Anything pissed you off or made you think a little deeper? Let me know! Seriously I love reading yalls comments. But yeah, vote on this chapter if you want more and leave a comment.
All love💗

16 & pregnant by a thug Where stories live. Discover now