40 🇼🇸

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The warmth sneaking into my chest makes the world's problem feel minor. My eyes flutter open and I notice the arm around my naked waist pulling me into a hard set of abs and the hand dangerously close to the part of my body that makes me lose all rational thought. The fight from last night flooding my mind and the sex that followed soon after. I lift my head of the pillow to see Owen still fast asleep. I slide myself out from underneath his arm in a slow manner.

I grab the shirt laying on the ground making my way ti the bathroom. I make sure I locked the door before sliding down it. Kness to chest and my hands in my hair. What were I thinking? We have all these unresolved issues jumping in bed with him is not going to make them dissapear. Do I even want them to disappear? I spent so much time in resentment towards him. With all the history between us is it still worth trying to rewrite it. I know one thing; sitting on the bathroom floor is not going to give me any answers.

After a long debate in the shower I slowly prey open the door. I see the bed is empty which means he is probably in the living room. I swallow my fear and make way into the living room. Just as I suspected his comfortable on the couch with a book. He putted on some sweatpants but his still shirtless which made me a little flushed. "Morning." I walk over to get a glass of orange juice. As I pass him he grabs my hand pulls me towards him causing me to fall into his lap. His hands are now secured around my waist.

He kisses me and as I told myself earlier rational thoughts are all gone. I kiss back immediately. Turning myself so that I'm now straddling his lap. Both hand on his face moving back to play with his hair. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist; hands moving down to cup my ass. I moan escaped my mouth and brought me back into reality. I pull away and mange to get myself out of his grib. I turn my back towards me. I lick my lips as if I'm trying to remember his lips. "Last night was a mistake." I turn back towards him as those words left my mouth.

I watch him. No reaction he just stares at me. "Did you hear me?" I ask above a whisper. He nods and sits up straight. "I heard you, I just don't believe you." That shocked me. Do I believe myself. I shake my head slightly. Cross my arms over my chest. "I don't care if you believe me or not. It will not hapepen again." I grab the glass to pour myself the orange juice that I wanted to begin with. I feel his eyes on me so I straighten my back in attempt to look more confident than what I sounded like. He comes up behind me. One hand on my hip as he whispers in my ear.

"We'll see." He leaves a soft kiss just below my ear as he moves away. I squeezed my legs shut to try and stop the urge I'm getting. I need to focus. We need to focus. I wonder how the mission is going. Deckard and I left things on edge. I don't like that. I want to know where we stand with one another. I take a seat on the couch. Swing my legs up. I here the shower running telling me that Owen is occupying the bathroom. I need ever fibre in my body to keep me from standing up and joining him.

I close my eyes. Resting my head on the back of the couch. As soon as the water is cut I get up knowing I'll have my turn. I wait a few minutes to go into the bedroom. I find him getting dressed with his back to me. I dismiss this and quietly go into the bathroom. After a long shower I dry myself off and get dressed. I'm suprised to see the others back when I got back. "You guys don't look like you were successful." Hattie shakes her head. I pull her into a tight hug as she cries into my shoulder.

"What's our plan?" Owen asked the other two. They share a look before Hobbs answered. "It's time to bring the fight home." I frown but assume he has a plan already worked out. We pack and get going to Samoa, Hobbs's home. On our way there I try to avoid all contact with Owen. It was sooner rather than later when Hattie picked upon that. "Something happened." I shake my head and frown. "Nothing happened." She looks back at Owen and then to me. "Really, why are you doing your very best to avoid him then?"

I shrug. "I'm angry with him." She smiles and turns completely to me. "I saw how you looked when you were angry with him this is something else. This is a I don't trust myself with him look and that tells me something definitely happened." I roll my eyes as I finally look at her. "I slept with him." I see the spark in her eye and the small smile. "So you forgave him?" I take a moment to think about it and shrug. "I don't know. I'm so angry but I can tell it is not all directed at him anymore."

She is quite and for a moment I thought she has dropped it but then she leans over. "Have you slept with Deckard?" I almost choke on my own breath. Eyes bigger than the Hollywood sign. "No, no. Why do you even think that?" She shrugs and falls back into the chair. "I think you should ask yourself why haven't you when the opportunities has been available." I don't my hearing is well enough because I can't believe what I just heard. "First of all thank for making me sound like a whore. Secondly they are your brothers why are you encouraging me to sleep with both?"

She smirks and shakes her head. "You got me all wrong. I want you to make up your mind and stick to it. This back and forth thing is driving everyone mad. I'm not encouraging you to do some self reflection." Shortly after our conversation we arrived in Samoa. Hattie's words keep playing over and over in my head. Why haven't I? It's not because I'm not attracted to him because I very much are. I do have some feelings for him so why haven't I slept with him?

"Penny for your thoughts?" I'm straddled as I'm pulled from my thoughts. Deckard has unloaded the broken machine so that Hobbs's brother can fix it for us. "I'm sorry for what I said to you. I'm sorry about everything that has happened. I feel so horrible after you have been nothingbut good to me. I have been horrible and I need you to know I'm sorry." He doesn't say a word and that makes mr anxious.

He turns to look at me. "I love you, Ashley. I have loved you for a long time now. I can't walk away because I'm completely in it with you, so I'm asking if you're not if you my brother still has the slightest of chance I need you to put me out of my misery. I can't leave you but you're constantly leaving me." The tears in my eyes are burning and I see the sincerity on his face. The salty taste on my lips tells me that the tears have already fallen. He wipes them away with his thumb as I stare at him.


Who do you guys think she'll pick? And what did Hattie mean when she said Ash needed some self reflection? 🤔 

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