08 | vampire dinner party

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"So it's like a vampire dinner party?" I ask, smiling.

"No, we're not having dinner." Rosalie chuckled, "You are. And Bella." She said Bella's name with a little more disdain.

"You don't like her." I observe.

"I do." She defends herself, "I just don't like most humans as much as I like you."

"Mhm. Why?" I ask.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." Rosalie tells me. "Your room is very nice."

"Really?" I look around at the chipping yellow paint and nearly-dying plants. "It needs renovation."

Rosalie shrugs. "It looks homely."

"homely?" I smile.

"You know what I mean."

"So, When will we be going to your house?" I ask after Rosalie plops down on my bed, wraping an arm around me.

"Tomorrow afternoon." She smiles. 

"What should we do until then?" I ask.

"Talk." She looks over at me and smiles. Then her head jerks to the window. 

"You okay?" I ask.

Rosalie shrugs. "Just a simple complication. I'll see you later."

"Bye." I hug her, and she holds me in her embrace, and lifts up my face to kiss me. 

She smiles. "Bye, Andie."

And just like that, and she's gone, leaving me breathless.


I hear a knock at my door. "Andie!" Bella says. 

"Come in!" I roll my eyes and continue looking through clothes on my floor. 

"Jesus, it looks like a hurricane came through here." Bella says. "We have to meet them soon, Edward will be waiting outside to pick us up in, like, 10 minutes."

"I know." I sighed, "I don't know what to wear!"

"Don't ask me. I'm not great in the whole fashion department." Bella said as she sat down on my bed. 

"I know." I chuckled. 

"Ha ha." Bella said sarcastically. "So... You know about them, I'm guessing? If not I just made a big mistake."

"Yes, Bella, They're vampires." I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'm just wondering." She said. "Doesn't it... scare you? Just a little?"

I thought about it as I picked up a blue button-down and black jeans. "Not really. Rose wouldn't hurt me, or anyone else." Then, once I'm dressed, I ask. "Does this go together?"

"Be serious, Andie." Bella says. "What about the rest of the family?"

"I don't know what serious is to you. I thought you wanted me to get dressed" I smirk.

"I want to hear your opinion." Bella says.

I sigh, put my hair in a ponytail, and sit by her. "I think... That they are good. I mean, they don't eat people, so that's a plus. But, we shouldn't be scared. I think they really care about us."

Bella takes in a deep breath. "Yeah, okay. C'mon, I'm sure Edward and Rosalie will be here soon." She stands and I take her hand, and walk downstairs.

Rosalie and Edward had picked us up at the same time, but in different cars. I had only ridden in Rosalie's red convertible once, but I already loved the feeling of the wind in my face. 

"This thing looks like it's from the 60's, how does it look so nice?" I ask.

Rose flashed her teeth as the wind blew through her long blonde hair. "Thanks. Jasper and I are really good at renovating cars. This thing is like my baby."

I giggled slightly. When we pulled into the Cullen's driveway, I marveled at their beautiful, and huge, mansion. I had seen it before, but not in the daylight. "Nice house." I said quietly.

"Thank you." Rosalie smiled. "Come in, Everyone is really excited to see you, and you haven't even met Carlisle or Esme yet."

Walking in, I'm surprised by the light qualities of the house that was so dark when I was here before.  I look to Rosalie, expecting her skin to be glowing, but she looks normal and shrugs off her coat. "Tinted windows." Rosalie explains. 

The house is beautiful. Bella and Edward follow closely behind us, and I feel excited to finally see them interact. Knowing my sister, it's probably gonna be awkward. Something occurs in my mind as I interlace my hand with Rosalie's. "Rose," I whisper, "Does your family know about... us?"

"Yes." She whispers back. "And they know not to tell Bella."

My heart settles back to a normal pace. "Hey," Rosalie reminds me. "Don't worry. You're okay. Nothing bad's gonna happen."

I breathed in. "Thank you."

The smell of italian herbs flooded my nose as we all walked into the kitchen. A young red-haired woman with a bright smiled walked up to us. "Hello, girls. We're making italiano for you."

"Andie, meet Esme. She's like our mother." Rosalie smiles and I hold out my hand for Esme to shake. Esme takes my hand and holds it in her cold and firm grip. 

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Esme smiles.

"It's really great to meet you as well, Mrs. Cullen." I smile and feel myself getting anxious again. I really want to make sure that Rosalie's family likes me.

"Please, Call me Esme." She says, and I relax a bit.

Dr. Cullen comes up to us and puts and arm around Esme. "You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time."

"Yes, I hope you're hungry." Esme says. Her hospitality is like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Oh, absolutely." Bella smiles tightly. 

"She already ate." Edward sighed. An uncomfortable silence fell over us. 

"I just figured, because you don't eat." Bella stuttered.

Rosalie glared at Bella. I squeezed her hand, and said. "Um, I haven't eaten anything."

"Thank you. It's very considerate." Esme looked at Bella and I.

Just then, a small pixie-like girl jumped over the railing of the balcony, and a reserved blonde boy followed after her. Alice and Jasper. Alice smiled brightly and walked to the group. "Hello, I'm Alice." 

She hugged Bella, and then myself. "Oh- you do smell good." She said after hugging Bella.

"Alice, what-" Edward started, but Alice cut him off.

"It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends."  Alice said. She seemed like a cheery girl, and I liked her already.

"Oh, and you must be Jasper." I smiled.

"Pleasure to meet you." He said, reserved.

Alice glances at Jasper and reassures him, saying, "Don't worry, you won't hurt them."

Rosalie sharply inhales, and says, "Well, um, would you like for me to show you around?"

"Sure." I smile.



people i finished this at 2 am 😀🔫

what am i doing

i hope you really do like this chapter, but if it's bad its because i wrote it a 2 am with a head cold (although I think its one of my best chapters)

love y'all


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