09 | memory box

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Walking into Rosalie's room was like walking into something out of a movie. The curtains were a pale pink and a lavish blue couch sat in the room. A nice vanity sat on the left wall, and on the right was a huge window-wall, where sunlight was streaming in. I let my eyes drift close and smell Rosalie's perfume coming from the room, like honey and wildflowers and outside. She smelled safe.

"Your room is very pretty." I say to her, and she sits down on the blue couch, patting beside her for me to take a seat. I sit by her, our knees touching, and Rosalie grabs my hand. "I want to look around. See your old things." I whine.

Rosalie smiles and hops up, gracefully walking to her closet, and grabbing a box out of the top. She placed it on the carpet and motioned for me to sit on the floor with her.

Shuffling through the photos and journals, I saw only one consistent thing: The Cullens. Rosalie was always with them. 1938, 1945, 1963, 1970, 1989.... All the photos had a year on them, and in every one, Rosalie looked beautiful, like she hadn't changed in the last hundred years. The Cullens always made an appearance in the photos. "How far do these date back?" I ask shyly.

"Um.. About 1933, I believe. Unless there are some in here before I joined the family." Rosalie said as she placed a photograph in my hand from 1939, with herself and Emmett laughing in the photo. "That was right after I saved Emmett."

"You saved him?" I asked.

She smiled and sighed, "It's about time I tell you about my family. In the late 1600's, Carlisle was a pastor's son, and they routinely went on hunts to try and expose witches and werewolves. Once, they actually found a real coven, and Carlisle was turned. He... he didn't want to kill any humans to satisfy his thirst, and never did. He tortured himself for a long time, wandering alone, not having anything. One day, he came across some deer in the forest and, because of his thirst, attacked them. He realized that he didn't need human blood to survive.

"Before long, Carlisle was in Chicago. He had become a doctor in the 1800's, and really cared about helping humans. He found this mother and son, both dying of the spanish flu. On the mother's deathbed, Her name was Elizabeth Mason, She told Carlisle to save her son, Edward."

I breathed deeply as I leaned towards Rose, intrigued. "Edward was sure to die soon. And so, Carlisle saved him."

She looked to me. "He quickly learned of his powers, to read minds. They lived as father and son for a bit, until Carlisle found Esme. She had lost her son when he was 3 days old. She was tired. She tried to kill herself, but Carlisle saved her. Esme was grateful towards him. And they both knew they had found their mate."

"Mate?" I asked.

"Like, a vampire thing. Someone who you were meant to be with. Your feelings are enhanced when you are a vampire, so you just know when you meet your mate."

I blushed, and looked down. I was hoping I was her's. But I shouldn't be stupid.

"Your wondering if you're mine, aren't you?" She asked, lifting up my face to look at her. I nodded. "You are."

I kissed her lightly and smiled, so happy. Incredibly happy. 

"What came next, I wanna hear the story." I smiled.

Rosalie laughed, and pulled out a photograph. It seemed to be a newspaper cutout, of her MISSING poster.

"When I was young, and human, It was 1932. My family was upper-middle class, My father worked at the largest bank in New York City. Rochester wasn't my favorite place, but I loved it all the same. My parents were always looking for a way to climb socially. and then, in came Royce King the II

"His father was president of the bank. He was lined up to be the most eligible bachelor in the city. And, after I brought lunch to my father while he was in a meeting with Royce, he wanted me.

"Of course, I knew of my attraction to women, and my lack of attraction to men. I wanted to be married, I wanted to have the perfect life, I wanted to want and love Royce, but most of all, I wanted children. A baby to hold on my own. Someone to love at care for. So, when Royce started courting me, I played along. I accepted the flowers, I went on walks, I went to parties, I accepted the proposal. I didn't know what I was doing, I was young, and wasn't aware that this huge decision was such a big deal.

"Our wedding was set to be the social event of the year. A few days before, I went to my friend, Vera's house, to meet her new baby. Her husband offered to walk me home, and I declined. I though about having to move the wedding inside because of the snow while walking. And then I saw Royce with his friends who had traveled for the wedding. 

"He called me over, and I was confused. He was drunk. So were his friends. I..." Rosalie sucks in a deep breath, and I take hold of her hands, tears brimming on the edge of my eyes. "I didn't last long. They left me there in the cold. That's where Carlisle found me, he smelled the blood. My new life... it wasn't what I wanted."

I kissed her this time, locking her lips with mine, and once I pulled away, I rested my forehead against hers. "I'm so sorry, honey."

"It's okay." Rosalie said, though her voice sounded strangled. "I'm okay."

"You don't have to go on." I said. "We should go hiking, I wanted to show you this trail-"

"No," Rosalie cut me off. "It gets happier." She smiles slightly.

"I got my revenge. I never shed any blood. But they paid." She sighed. "Then, I saved Emmett. He was being attacked by a bear in the woods. And I brought him back to Carlisle. We were, and still are, best friends.

"We all stayed together for a long time, just us. I honestly thought that maybe our family had stopped growing. But we felt a little incomplete. And then, Alice, Jasper and Elena found us. No one knows about Alice's past, everything before her transformation she can't remember, but she saw visions of us, and came with her mate, Jasper, to look for us. Elena was an actress in the 1920's, and was killed during a bar fight, but a man saved her. She left him after realizing he just wanted to use her for her body. And found Alice. Now, they're here."

Rosalie smiled. "That's pretty much my family."

"Amazing story." I smiled, and kissed her, pulling her into me. 

"Even better now that we're here." Rose kissed my cheek as she whispered in my ear.




mentally recovering



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