15 | goodbye note

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That next morning, I hung around with Bella, humming as we packed our bags. It was nice outside, it was in only a few hours I would be back in Rosalie's arms. 

Alice and Jasper were downstairs, checking out of the hotel. Bella stepped out, finally getting a call from Mom. I smiled as I thought about how she would be freaking out. Finally, her daughters were rebelling!

Bella soon though, pulled me out of my laughter, bursting in the room and quickly packing her purse, putting in pepper spray. "I have to go." She said.

"Bella," I ask cautiously, "What the hell are you doing?"

Bella sighs, hugging me, making sure to avoid my oxygen tube. "He has mom. He wants us, and he'll let her go. I'm going. Stay here."

My heart almost stops in my chest, and I hug Bella back. "I'm going with you."

"No, you're not." She insists.

I break from the hug. "Yes, I am. If you go, he won't let mom go without me there. He wants both of us."

Bella nods, and I sigh. "We should go tell Alice and Jasper, figure out a plan."

Bella is shaking her head. "He would know. He'd smell their scent, we just have to leave."

I realized what this meant. I realized what my sister was going to do. And I would never let her go at it alone. 

I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, and wrote out before leaving:


I didn't want to write this, and trust me, I never wanted to leave. 

All I want is to go to the airport and run to you. Please, don't be angry with me. I couldn't let my mom suffer, and I couldn't let Bella go alone. I wouldn't even really be alive if I just let her die. 

I will always be there. I will always be with you. I am so sorry I put you through this. But really, you were all I ever needed. It was selfish of me to keep you, just to let you down. But really,  No girl has ever loved someone as much as I love you. I'm not sure how I somehow gained the heart of someone like you, and how you loved someone like me. 

I'll always be yours Rosalie, and if I sit here trying to describe how much I love you, I would be here forever. Maybe that would be a good thing.

I love you. I will never stop loving you. 




"What do you mean she's gone?!" I yell at Alice as she gets into the car. We were getting off the plane, Edward and I were getting along for once, when suddenly, we got a call.

They said to come to the hotel immediately.

Edward looked in shock, I could tell her was seeing Alice's visions, and I could tell that they were gruesome. 

"Alice." I demanded. "Where is she?"

"She's going to try and save her mom, James called them and made it seem like he had her." Alice spills out. She hands me a piece of notebook paper, folded in a neat square. "She left this."

I read over it, my heart aching with every word. "Where is she?" I demand, and Edward whips the car around, seemingly driving to them. 

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