Part 1: Disaster At Chaldea

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(Okay so your not going to appear in the story until a while Now trust me your going to appear it's just going to be basically at the end of the chapter although I will add your character in bits and pieces but I promise next chapter will include you very much)

The sky was tar black, wrapping around the moon and limiting the only source of light during the night. Tapping was heard all around, and then a pitter-patter. Puddles began growing as the rainfall became heavier.

One man looked up at the sky, droplets of water assaulting his steel armor. The man in steel armor could only reminisce about how beautiful the day once was. Another man covered in black approached the scene. His footsteps sunk into the muddy ground below him.

The two men just stood there in silence, both listening to the drumming beat the rain created when it hit the ground. The air flowed with a cold breeze as the rain roared on. The man in black raised his weapon towards the man in steel armor. The man in steel readied himself; his body felt tense, his hands were tight. Extracting his weapon from his sheath.

The two fighters got into a stance with their respective weapons and then just stared at each other, only standing still and not moving at all. The men were focused, concentrated. The rain almost stopped for them; it didn't dare interrupt their concentration. But one brave droplet fell to the ground and it decided their next choices.

Both fighters charged at each other, running through the rain, splashing on their armor, weapons drawn. They fought hard with expertise. Two masters duked it out. One would attack, the other countered. Both fighters underestimated their opponent.

They broke off from each other and stepped away before circling like predators, waiting for the perfect moment to strike each other. Taking a look on the inside, the man in steel armor was keeping himself calm and collected, while the man in black was upset and unfocused.

They both knew each other's style and tactics, but only one shall stand. The man in black lunged forward, ready to go on the offensive, but was only met with his opponent showing a stronger defense.

If things continued, this would lead into a stalemate, and they both knew this. The man in black was not letting this happen. He clashed against his enemy once more, but with a larger sense of aggression. The man in steel armor was lost in his thoughts for only a moment, but that was the moment his opponent had been waiting for.

The man in black unleashed a flurry of strikes, each one more fatal than the last. The battle was finally leaning in the man in black's favor. The man in steel was knocked back a little; the attack left him staggered. The man in black winds up with his weapon before bringing it down on his opponent with earth-shaking force. Just before it could land, the man in steel swiftly moves out of the way and kicks the man in black's weapon.

Now disarmed, the match has turned in the man in steel's favor, but shockingly, he throws his weapon to the ground and cracks his knuckles.

Black knight: "You know this is just a distraction, right?"

Steel knight: "I understand that. Now shut up and fight me."

They both continued to fight it out in the rain. Both had bloody and bruised hands. The man in black pushed forward as he became an uncontrollable ball of rage, unleashing everything he had against the man in steel armor. The man in steel pushes his aggressor back just so he could gain some distance.

Steel knight: "I just have one question... why did you come back to this place?"

Black knight: "I wanted to see a great man right before he lost everything... and then I wanted to beat the shit out of him for letting it happen."

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