Part 6: A Duel of Spirits

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Authors Note: Okay finally the moment I've been waiting for the big fight. Alright no dilly dally let's just begin

Also there's been this weird glitch for me where when viewing some of my published chapters they only show about half of what I wrote for them I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this issue with the chapters on this book.

_________3rd P.O.V____________
The archer's gaze locked onto the Saber's as they circled each other, awaiting the first move. (Y/n)'s sword dug into the ground as he dragged it along with him.

The Saber shifted his gaze to the group he had been traveling with. "It's time we part ways," he solemnly declared. A questioning look was on Ritsukas face.

Ritsuka: "Are you sure?"

The knight they have been traveling with nodded before assuring them.

(Y/n): "Yes, go forward and take care of the anomaly. I shall deal with the archer"

Mash took a step forward ready to help the Saber.

Mash: "I can help you?"

A chuckle escaped the man's lips before he shook his head no.

(Y/n): "I'm sure you would, but this is personal and if you got hurt during it I would never forgive myself."

Mash: "So then is this goodbye?"

The saber thought to himself looking back to the archer and then to the group. He wanted to say he was unsure but then a memory came to mind something a previous master of his said quite a bit.

(Y/n): "No.... Heh think of this as a "See you later."

With that, Mash nodded, and the group set off to thwart the impending event. Unfortunately, the Archer had different plans.

Archer: "You're not going anywhere!"

Releasing an arrow from his bow, it aimed for Ritsuka but clanked against the rusted metal plate of the knight instead.

(Y/n): "This is a battle between you and me!"

He lunged forward, sword whistling through the air. The Archer evaded swiftly, narrowly avoiding the blade.

While that battle goes on the group presses forward ready to end this mission.


As the group advanced, a vibrant purple light loomed over them. "What is this?" Ritsuka questioned, puzzled by the sight. Olga muttered words under her breath before explaining.

Olga, "This... it's an exclusive Magecraft reactor core? Is this the holy grail?"

Before they could get any closer a voice speaks out but this time it was feminine a figure stepped forward in front of the bright purple light.

???: "Now that's an interesting servant you have."

The woman had pale skin and her eyes are concealed behind a black visor. She is clad in heavy armor dyed jet black. She wielded a fully black sword with red accents along the blade.  A cold and ruthless aura emanated from her. This was none other than...

 This was none other than

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