Part 3: The Trouble Ahead

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Author Note: Before we begin I should clarify that I'm basing most of (Y/n) off of William Marshal 1st earl of Pembroke.

And for this chapter I'm going to at least use a lot more dialogue than descriptives at least for this chapter.

Also I kinda need to figure out what the Noble Phantasm is gonna be do maybe you guys could give me some ideas?


Each step the man in armor took he grew closer and closer to Ritsuka before kneeling down and gently grasping her hand. He raised his head so her eyes could meet his.

(Y/n): "My name is (Y/n) Marshal I humbly ask you to let me serve you."

Surprise and astonishment was placed on everyone's faces it left Olga's mouth agape.

(Y/n): "Let me temporarily serve you however you wish. I'll do any task with the utmost dedication anything you wish."

Ritsuka could only be embarrassed by this gesture the man was down on his knees holding her hand tightly and practically giving his life in her hands anything she wishes he would grant

Anything she wishes he would grant

The young ladies mind wandered into places less than pure as she imagined what this tall strapping man in armor would do for her but she quickly slapped herself mentally and taking herself out of those dark fantasies.

Ritsuka: "C-could you uhm.... Pl-please get up."

Ritsuka stuttered to say and it seems that the knight finally realized his words and the intensity of them so he stood up from the ground

(Y/n): "I apologize please forgive me for being so forward."

He spoke in a much more calm manner it made Ritsuka wonder how long has it been since he interacted with another being now should she accept the offer?

The fact that she barely knows him should be all the reason she needs to refuse the contract but then again he really doesn't seem to be hiding anything malicious he also saved Mash and helped then take out the enemy servant having another spirit to help us in battle wouldn't even be so bad. Finally taking herself out of the thoughts it seems her decision was decided.

Ritsuka: "I accept this temporary deal"

And with that being said (Y/n) bows down to the ground once again but this time knowing the boundaries and not taking the hand of a lady he just met.

(Y/n): "I promise to serve you well."

Olga P.O.V

It seemed the conversation between the two was over the knight rose from the ground onto his feet and he let go of Ritsukas hand. Mash stepped next to me and spoke.

Mash: "So what do you think about him?"

Olga: "I think that this is a bad idea and we barely know anything about him."

Mash: "He saved us."

Olga: "While that may be true we still should keep are guard up around him we don't know what his motives are."

Mash: "I suppose so but it's better to give him the benefit of the doubt he hasn't given us any reason for suspicion."

Having a Saber on our side improves our chances of survival but something is strange about him I can sense it. Still if we're going to be facing more spirits it's better to keep him close.

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