Part 2: City In Ruins

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{Before we begin I'm sorry if this chapter feels dialogue heavy Also this will be when you are introduced.}

Ritsuka P.O.V

The howling of wind the clang of metal as it clashes together. Opening my eyes I see my savior they wore skin tight armor mix with onyx and steel my gaze goes towards her hair it was lilac just like....

 Opening my eyes I see my savior they wore skin tight armor mix with onyx and steel my gaze goes towards her hair it was lilac just like

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Ritsuka : "Mash?!"

As the woman's figure turns her head to me there was no mistake about it this was none other than Mash.

Mash: "I'll explain later but for now, please stay down."

I was flabbergasted at the situation getting attacked beans of light having Mash protect me with a shield bigger than herself.
As the sounds of clanging metals abruptly stopped all I could do was hold my gaze at the woman.

Mash placed the shield to her side before planting it into the ground causing a loud thud

Mash: "Seems like the enemies assault is over we should get moving"

Mash grabbed my forearm and pulled me up from the ground before.

Ritsuka: "Mash you have to explain to me what's going on?! Where are we what happened to Chaldea why are you wearing that?!"

Mash: "For me to ex-

A howl of a woman's voice stopped the conversation. Where could that have come from I felt the warm feeling of someone's hand intertwined with mine

Mash: "Master I can't explain right now but I promise you will get an answer soon but please follow me until then"


As the raging fire beats down on the open streets, a young woman with white hair begins to sprint She takes long strides, her feet pounding the concrete ground as she builds up her speed. This woman being Olga Marie other wise known the Director

Sweat drips down her forehead, but she doesn't let it slow her down. She pushes herself harder, feeling the burn in her muscles as she runs.

Her arms swing back and forth, helping her maintain her balance as she charges forward. She can feel the wind rushing through her hair

Finally, out of breath and drenched in sweat, Olga comes to a stop. She bends over, panting heavily as she catches her breath she heard the sound of the wind howling against an oncoming weapon. Turning around she narrowly dodged a sword ready to pierce through her.

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