The Wedding of the Duke of Hastings and Miss. Bridgerton

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Dearest Reader,
The day is finally here! The Duke of Hastings and Miss. Bridgerton will marry. While the ceremony is limited to only family and close friends, a reception will be held at Bridgerton House. Rest assured that this writer be able to get all of the details of the occasion.

- Lady Whistledown

The Dowager Viscountess had outdone herself.

Bridgerton House looked perfect. Nobody would expect anything less than amazing from Violet Bridgerton, but this was something else. It was perfectly befitting for the wedding of a Duke. Everything managed to be wonderful without being tasteful. There was no missing touch. One could only wish for such a beautiful wedding reception in the future.

"She looks miserable."

Harriet rolled her eyes at Phoebe.

"She does not."

"She does!"

Daphne Bridgerton- sorry, Daphne Bassett, was doing the rounds of the room. Harriet felt jealous of just how pretty the new Duchess looked. Daphne was always an unthreatening beauty- definitely lovely without causing lust in men and fear in women. The Duke was once again the most handsome man in the room. His eyes barely left Daphne.

"The Duchess is probably just tired or nervous."

"Well they did bring up the wedding did they not? Special appeal to the Queen for it to be soon. Perhaps they were caught together and had to get married to save face."

"Her Grace seems far too sensible to do that."

"The Duke has the reputation though. No way would the Bridgertons want a scandal to besmirch their good name. Somebody probably caught them kissing and rushed it forward. The Duchess was probably fine at first but then realised that she's tied to a man who strays."

"Keep your voice down," Harriet hissed.

"Nobody's listening. Hmm, the Viscount looks agitated."

On that, Phoebe did have a point. It looked like someone had buttoned his trousers too tightly.

"Perhaps I shall have a chance to speak to him."

"What of Lord Burnley?"

"A woman should keep her interests open. I am not spoken for. Besides, not all of us can attract a prince."

At that, Harriet blushed.

"We are not courting."

"Perhaps not, but he seems to have taken quite the interest in you. No other lady has caught his attention quite in this way. Do not be so modest dear Harriet, for you are a fine woman. Any gentleman would be lucky to have you. If anyone should be a princess, it should be you. You like him."

"I get butterflies. It is not love but I would be luckier than most. He would be a good husband."

"Oh yes. Do you plan to attend the theatre with him?"

"We are going to be in the royal box."

"Oh how grand!" Phoebe clapped her hands excitedly, "It shall be practice for your future."

"You do not know that he will propose."

"He will! He'd be a fool not to. Ah, the Duchess is free. Let us go."

Phoebe grabbed Harriet's arm and pulled her over to the bride.

"Your Grace," they said simultaneously.

"Miss. Greyfair, Miss. Carlisle, thank you for coming," Daphne had the Duchess smile on ready, "I hope that you are enjoying things."

"We are, many congratulations," Harriet jumped in first, "How blessed you are to have wed a Duke."

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