Wedding Night

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It had been nothing short of amazing.

The music, the flowers, the dancing, the people and the food. Everything had been a perfect blur. Harriet had danced with Friedrich, her father, uncle and brothers. She's spun around happily as Vincento Bucchi played his music. There was a smile on her face as she greeted everyone. As wrong as it was, Harriet felt herself slightly smug when she greeted Daphne Bassett. Harriet had beat the Diamond and married a prince.

Cressida Cowper had a face liked a smacked behind for the entire thing.

She was happy. She had married a loving, kind man. Most women didn't get such a match. Even if she didn't love him, Harriet cared deeply about Friedrich.

Now that the ceremony was over, it was time for the wedding night.

Harriet felt so...uneducated. Though she didn't particularly want to think too much about it, she was sure that her brothers knew more. She knew that William enjoyed the company of singers and actresses at wild parties. He was allowed to. He knew about sex and making babies. Henry probably did too, but he was a lot more conservative about these things than William.

Had Friedrich had sex? He seemed such a gentleman, but he was a prince. Princes sowed their wild seeds before and during marriage. Harriet had no doubt that Friedrich would be faithful but it didn't mean he was completely virtuous. Did he spend time with women in Prussia? Had he enjoyed wild parties? Harriet knew not to ask. What a husband did at these things was not their wife's business. Harriet kind of hoped he was a virgin like she was. It was naive, but it would be nice.

Everything her mother and Hilda had said was swimming through her mind. Would it be a chore? Would it be fun? Would he want her after she was pregnant? Would it be quick?

Harriet had no clue.

Mary and some of the palace maids were helping her undress. Friedrich and Harriet would be staying in a special suite before they moved into their own apartments.

Her elaborate hairdo was taken down, leaving her with simple curls. All the jewellery that had adorned her was now tucked away safely. Mary had taken her wedding dress and folded it. Harriet was clothed only in a white undergarments.

Would it hurt? Mother said it might. Harriet hoped not.

Someone knocked on the door. Sending Harriet's nervousness, Mary went and opened it.

Friedrich entered. He shot Harriet a nervous smile. The maids curtsied and Harriet went to do the same, but then realised she didn't have to do that anymore.  They were on equal footing. She'd only have to curtsy to the Queen. Everyone else would have to curtsy to her.

Once they'd consummated, then it was all official.

"Thank you ladies, that will be all."

The maids curtsied. Mary gave Harriet an encouraging smile before she exited. Harriet was glad that Mary was staying on as her lady's maid after the wedding. She was a good and kind servant.

"Hello," Harriet managed to squeak out, "I really enjoyed the wedding."

"It was wonderful."

Awkward silence.

"Would you like to begin?" Friedrich asked.

"Yes, I suppose I shall. Shall I just take off my undergarments?"

"Allow me."

Harriet stood still as Friedrich helped her out of the chemise. Friedrich then stripped of his drawers. Harriet's eyes went...down there before quickly snapping back up. She was totally naked. So was he.

Friedrich took Harriet's hand and gently led her to the bed. She lay down first and he followed, half on top of her. Friedrich brought Harriet's head up, her blonde curls in his hand, and they kissed. It started off slowly but became slowly more passionate.

It hurt at first. The pain was not agonising, but she could hardly say it was a comfortable experience. Harriet clenched her fists against the bedsheets. Friedrich noticed when he looked down and opened his mouth, but Harriet shook her head. She could get through this.

After a short while, it eased off. Friedrich punctuated the act with soft kisses down her neck. Harriet lay there, letting Friedrich do the work. She felt as though she could contribute nothing.

In the end, Harriet felt...nothing.

It was not the thrill that Aunt Hilda had told her it could be. Her body didn't tremble with exhilaration. She didn't burst with satisfaction. There was no cry for more. Sure, Harriet wasn't in pain or unhappy, but she felt completely normal. She didn't want to go on for hours more. Harriet had been more satisfied by a funny play.

In a way, she was disappointed.

Harriet knew she shouldn't be. Her mother had told her to grin and bear it. Still, Hilda had planted the idea of satisfaction in her head. Harriet wanted to know why men spent their time with opera singers and actresses. She wanted to know why being alone with a man was grounds for scandal. Did these women with lots of children endure it to procreate or was it a product of enjoyment?

Yet it had evaded her. Was Friedrich just that inexperienced? Did men not focus on satisfying women? She was sure that it was not purposeful. After all, they were all told that sex was to create children. Enjoyment wasn't mandatory.

"How was it?" Friedrich asked. He looked so earnest and caring.

"It was fine. It hurt a bit at first but then it got more comparable. Was it alright for you?"

Friedrich helped Harriet up. She grabbed her nightdress from the side and pulled it over her body. In all honesty, she was glad to be clothed again.

"I snuck some mini cakes from the dinner," Friedrich opened up a napkin, "They were too good for the guests."

"A good idea," Harriet took one. It melted in her mouth.

"Are you looking forward to seeing our new home?"

"Oh yes. I am especially looking forward to finally having a dog in the house. The Queen was oh so generous in gifting me that beautiful puppy. It shall be strange having to run a household. All I can hope is that my mother has prepared me well."

"You shall be a fine mistress and hostess, don't worry. Besides, I will always be by your side."

"I will be hoping for your assistance when our children are being mischievous."

"I shall be saying that they're their mother's children."

"A father's genetics are very strong too."

They both laughed.

"I am glad to have met you, Harriet. Staying in England was truly a blessing indeed. I am lucky to have such a wonderful lady as my wife. I pray this happiness does not end."

"I am the lucky one to have married such a fine gentleman. We shall be a good pairing, I know it. God has provided."

"He has. Shall we get to sleep? It's been a long day."

"It has indeed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight dear."

Harriet was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. She was married now.

Hi all, hope you enjoyed it! I didn't want to go down the main Bridgerton route of couples having mind blowing sex immediately. I wanted it to be realistic in it being a little painful and awkward. It's also going to be part of Harriet and Friedrich's journey. Passion can come later.

Next Time: Two weeks later and we drop in on Harriet adjusting to married life.

Thanks again, don't forget to like and comment. Also, check out my other work x

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