Matchmaker, Matchmaker

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Confinement was over and Harriet was finally allowed outside.

With that freedom came a plan.

Edwina Sharma was seated across from Harriet. Heavy rain hit the carriage like thunder, yet the poor weather could not dampen good spirits. A small academic literature fair was being hosted and Harriet had invited Edwina to join her.

Harriet very much liked Edwina and felt rather sorry for her. She was such a nice girl and really should have found a match this season, but the misrepresentation of the Viscount Bridgerton's affections meant that she had finished the events without an engagement. Harriet knew what was said about the girls who did not find someone in their first season and Edwina, like Penelope Featherington, did not deserve such slander.

Thus, an ulterior motive came from her invitation.

"Thank you again for the invitation, Your Highness."

"You do not have to thank me so often, Miss Sharma, it is a pleasure to have you join me. Besides, I knew that it is an event that you would enjoy. One cannot be stuck in the home all day."

"I do like being with Mama and Lady Danbury, but I do miss Kate dreadfully. She will be living in Bridgerton House once the honeymoon is over. I cannot imagine living without her."

"I understand. Going from my family home to the marital home was quite the adjustment. It is so much quieter without my brothers, though having a child is almost as loud as the three of them combined."

"At least the quiet allows me to read in peace."

Harriet hid a smirk.

The carriage halted.

"We may have to run," Edwina noted ruefully, nodding at the rain.

"Let us be quick then."

The two dashed between the carriage and the inside of the hall, managing to make it with nary a splash between them. Arm in arm, they walked into the room filled with books and academic works.

Everybody there curtsied or bowed to Harriet. It was still a strange sensation. Curtsying was a matter of course for a young lady of good breeding, especially as nearly every other person she met was of a higher standing. That only ever occurred in the presence of royalty or when there were introductions, however. As a royal herself, Harriet would always be expected to be the recipient of the curtsey.

"It's marvellous, is it not?" Edwina said, "Oh, they have some of Swift's periodicals."

"Let's take a look."

Harriet pretended to be interested in the periodicals as Edwina perused through them. She was not an academic in the same way that Edwina was, preferring music and the arts, but was generally well read. Still, it was nice to broaden one's horizons.


Ah, perfect. He was here.

"William," Harriet embraced her elder brother, "I am not surprised that you are here."

"I must confess that I did not expect to see you here; I thought you may still choose to stay home with Charlotte."

"Well, confinement is over and I wished to get out. Besides, I thought it might be a nice occasion. Dear William, you remember Miss Sharma?"

"Of course," William took Edwina's hand and kissed it gently, "A pleasure, Miss Sharma."

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Greyfair."

"Edwina is rather like you- very scholarly," Harriet said, "I heard about the event and knew that it was something that she would enjoy."

"You enjoy academia, Miss Sharma?"

"Oh, very much so. My education favoured languages and literature along with other rigorous subjects. I have found London to be a wonderful place for such things. The salons are to die for."

"Quite! Have you been to Bloomsbury yet?"

"I have not, but I really wish to."

Harriet slid behind William and Edwina as they excitedly talked about all of the things on offer. She smiled the entire way. Neither seemed to breathe as the conversation flowed easily. Harriet did not miss the joy on either face.

"Would you like a ride home, William?" Harriet asked at the end of the event.

"That would be wonderful, thank you."

The conversation did not stop in the carriage either. Harriet leaned against the window and just watched as they continued to talk animatedly.

They stopped at Lady Danbury's residence first.

"Thank you again, Your Highness, I really enjoyed today. I would be most honoured if you joined me for tea this week."

"You are most welcome, Miss Sharma, and yes, I would like that. Just send a message."

"I will. Mr. Greyfair."

"Miss Sharma," William nodded back.

They waited until Edwina was back inside before the carriage went along.

"You enjoyed the event, I take it?" Harriet asked.

"Oh yes, very enjoyable. Miss Sharma is most pleasant company. It is always nice to meet someone with such similar interests."

"She is indeed lovely."

"She has excellent taste in literature as well."

"Miss Sharma does enjoy her books."

"I do hope we shall meet again- perhaps I should visit her."

"I think she would like that a lot, dear William. Why don't you call upon her this week? Make sure that Lady Danbury or Lady Mary is home when you do."

"I should not dream of any such impropriety."

Harriet smiled again. It had worked.

Harriet sure likes playing matchmaker.

Next Time: Something. I haven't decided yet.

Thanks again, I'll see you all next time xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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