Sibling Moments

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I got out of bed early in the morning, grabbing the bag full of things from Peeta's house and sat down on the seating built into the wall of the living area in our living quarters. I took out Peeta's favourite book, a very old one, filled with magical tales. He loved it when he was younger, and when we became very close he always loved when I would read one of the short stories to him.

I turned on the reading lamp and began to read, my mind thinking back to all the nice memories that I associated with the book. I heard someone shuffle out of bed and sit beside me.

"Can't sleep?" Axel asked, looking over my shoulder at the book.

"Not really," I said, shrugging, my eyes not leaving the page once. He gently pulled the book out of my hands and closed it.

"It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up, y/n," He said, taking my hand, "I know I'm only your younger brother but I'm not 12 anymore, I'm 14, you can talk to me, you know that right?"

I nodded my head and looked at him, "I do."

"You always let me confide in you, now let me do the same for you," Axel said.

I sighed, knowing I would be able to escape this, so I took a deep breath and told him why I couldn't sleep, "We've saved Peeta, but have we really saved him? I mean, he's down, in the hospital, all alone having to deal with what the Capitol did to him. I can't help him."

"Not yet, but you will, don't ever give up hope, y/n," He rested his head on my shoulder, "I overheard Mrs Everdeen saying that when they've got to a certain point with Peeta, they're going to bring in people from 12 who could help with his memories. I know for a fact that you're going to be able to help him. Maybe not now, but soon."


"Really, y/n," He said, "Now, why don't you get into bed and I'll read you one of these short stories if it makes you sleep."

I pulled my younger brother into a hug and he hugged back, "Thank you."

"Anything for my sister," He whispered back.


I walked up to the level where all the classrooms were, waiting until Axel had finished his classes for the day. I know it sounded silly but it reminded us of when I would wait for him in 12 before walking home together.

The door opened and kids of all ages flooded out. Not many, but still enough for me to have to keep an eye out for Axel. I spotted him with his messy hair, calling out to him.

"Axel," He looked my way and bid goodbye to his couple of friends, walking over and linking our arms as we made our way over to the stair well.

"We had to prepare a presentation and then present it in the same day," He said, as we walked down the metal stairs, our boots making resonating sounds as they hit the metal.

"What was it about?" I asked, nodding to another nurse who was off duty, giving him a smile before turning back to Axel.

"Our family, and we had to pick the one who inspired us most," He said.

"Who does most inspire you? Dad? You used to look up to him so much when you were little," I said as we headed down to have our half an hour of down time before dinner.

"Actually, I chose you," Axel stated, making me look at him confused.

"Uh, why?" He laughed at my confusion.

"Because, you're strong, and brave, and because of the endless amount of things you've done for me, like tucking me into bed and comforting me when I had nightmares. Looked out for me in so many ways and kept me alive," He said, as we got to our door, "That's why I chose you."

I smiled at him, ruffling his hair before opening the door and letting him enter first.


"Stop taking my stuff!" Axel yelled, throwing his pillow at me as soon as I entered our room.

I threw the pillow back at him with as much force as I could muster, "I haven't taken any of your things!"

"Then why is it missing?" He said throwing the pillow back on the bed.

"I don't know, Axel, how about you actually look for it instead of accusing me of taking it!?" I said, pointing under his bed, "Because to me, it looks like it just fell off and under your bed."

"Oh," He said, bending down to pick it up before saying, "Thanks."

I crossed my arms and looked at him while he put it back where it belonged, "Anything else you want to say?"

He shook his head and I threw my arms up in the air, "Unbelievable."

"What did I do now?" He raised his voice at me, annoyed.

"Well a sorry would be nice!"

"Why should I say sorry!?"

"Because you yelled at me for something I didn't even do!"

Soon our yells just overlapped each other and we couldn't make out what the other was saying anymore. The door slid open and Gale entered.

"Guys!" He yelled, silencing us, "What is this squabble about now?"

We both started recounting our side of the story at the sime time, and he just pinched the bridge of his nose, already tired of our bickering.

"Stop, stop," He said, before gesturing to Axel, "Apologise to y/n for accusing her of doing something she didn't do."

Axel looked reluctant but eventually mumbled out a small "Sorry."

"And now both of you say sorry for yelling at each other," Gale said.

We both quickly said sorry, and looked to Gale with a you-happy-now? face.

"And now hug it out."

Instantly Axel and I protested, Gale putting up a hand to stop us, "Hug."

I reluctantly pulled him in for a hug, and he hugged back, and after a few seconds we broke away.

"Now that wasn't so hard now, was it?" Gale smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Axel, hand me your pillow," I said, holding out my hand, which he placed his pillow in and I chucked at Gale, which hit him square in the face.

Axel bursted out laughing, I smiled and simply said, "Bullseye", before also breaking down into laughter, Gale joining in, throwing the pillow back at me.

Just wanted to capture not only the calm, helpful relationship that y/n and Axel have, but also show the squabbles siblings usually have

Thank you for the reads and support, and we're almost at 9K!

We'll Watch the Sunset - Peeta Mellark x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now