Hunting With Gale

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I heard a knock at my door, and without moving my eyes away from the pages of the book I was reading, I gave permission for the person to enter.

I heard the door slide open and then I got hit by my hunting jacket. I pulled it off of my face and gave a death glare to Gale, who shrugged innocently.

"Come on, let's goooo," He whined like a child.

I rolled my eyes, marking where I was in the book before putting on and tying my boots and throwing on my hunting jacket, following Gale out of the door and down to Beetee's lab.

We grabbed our stuff, bidding a good morning to Beetee, and heading up to the surface. The heavy door opened, and the sunlight hit my eyes. It wasn't sunny, but it was still brighter than underground.

I carefully jogged through debris and craters made by the Capitol, towards the woods with Gale on my heels. After a few minutes in the woods, we spotted a few things to shoot, and hid behind a bush together. I kneeled down on one of my knees, aiming my arrow just over the top of the bush, and focused all my attention on my aim, before letting out a breath and released my arrow, letting it fly through the air.

"Are you sure your bow isn't magic?" Gale asked, walking over to collect my arrow and the game.

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. He handed me my arrow and continued, "Your arrows always seem to hit their mark."

"I've just got brilliant aim," I said, smiling at him.

He just smiled and we headed further into the woods. It brought back good memories of 12, of all the fun times Gale, Katniss and I had in the freedom of the meadow and woods. The birds that had returned after the air raid sung a sweet melody as they flew through the canopy. I felt the leaf littered floor crunch under my feet as we carefully crept through the trees to make sure that we didn't scare any of the animals.

We spent a couple hours hunting before heading to the lake nearby to rest. It was the same one I had spent my day with Annie and Finnick at. I dumped my stuff on the floor, staying away from the sandy area, Gale doing the same, both of us flopping to the floor, letting the small beams of sun that shone through the dark grey clouds wash over our faces, soaking in the slight warmth.

"It's peaceful," Gale stated, letting the sounds of nature fill his ears, "Like were back in the meadow."

I just hummed in agreement, closing my eyes.

"How's work been, y/n?" Gale asked.

"Tiring. Not to mention the thought of Peeta being a few hallways away keeps messing with my mind," I replied, placing an arm under my head to support it and keep it off the grass.

In the distance, I heard a faint noise, like two people talking. I sat up abruptly, Gale sitting up too to see what was the matter.

"You alright, y/n?" He asked, before I shushed him. I heard the sound of people talking again, and then a bark from a dog.

"Gale, there are people," I said, standing up and collecting my stuff, grasping my bow tightly in my hand, an arrow ready and waiting to be pulled back by the string.

"Are you sure?" He said, following suit and gathering his things, I shushed him again.


We waited for a few seconds before hearing them again, I looked to Gale, both of us sharing a look of understanding, and we made our way towards the voices. We hid behind two large tree trunks, nodding to each other before coming out from our hiding spots, expecting to be met with a couple of peacekeepers or something. Instead, we were met with two very ragged looking people and a dog.

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