Nine: Harold The Ball

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Holy fuck. Randy Rockefeller asked me out is what I thought slumping down on my bed after changing out of my suit. I stared at the ceiling, wondering how the hell Randy could have fallen for me, but even more so how the hell could I be falling for Randy.

Unknown Number: hey, it's randy :)

Me: hello Randall. hold on, let me change your contact name

Randy: is it spoiled brandy or Randall?

Me: neither, it's just Randy

Randy: oh ok
Randy: so, have you decided when you want to go to Bernadette's? I was thinking we could grab food there and then I have an idea for after :P

Me: ummm we could go tomorrow night if you're free

Randy: I can get out of dinner

Me: alrighty then. what time?

Randy: 5:00ish?

Me: ok
Me: what should I wear?

Randy: I think that's for you to decide

Me: no, I mean, do I dress casually or is this a no jeans sort of thing?

Randy: jeans will not be discriminated

Me: okie dokie

Randy: I can pick you up, but make sure Dev doesn't catch on

Me: I'll have CeCe distract him by starting an argument about 'Mom saying he could take CeCe to the mall so she could go shopping'.

Randy: what about when he asks why you can't?

Me: Connor picked me up to get food

Randy: I see. You're quite prepared for someone who has never been on a date before

Me: actually I have, in second grade me and Evelyn Davis went to the top of the slide and held hands
Me: take that, Rockefeller

Randy: oh my. that's very scandalous

Me: oh I know, I get allllllll the ladies

Randy: and the guys

Me: I thought we had established that already but ok then

Randy: ha, we have, but that doesn't mean it can't be reminded
Randy: see you tomorrow, Liam :)))

Me: have a somewhat decentish night

Randy: right back at ya


I had informed CeCe about the argument she would need to start right after I stopped texting with Randy, and she literally cackled, then answered, "I don't need an excuse to fight with Dev. But sure. Have fun on your little date. Are you going to skip and hold hands?"

To which I replied, "No, CeCe. We are not going to skip and hold hands." And then I sighed and walked out of the room.

After I realized it was 4:30 the next day, I scrambled out from under my bedsheets and took probably the quickest shower known to man. Then I put on a green sweater and dark blue jeans, and ran downstairs. I heard the yelling already. My plan is working exactly how I envisioned it.

A few minutes later, I got a text from Randy saying that he was outside. I snuck out the door and saw his signature army green Jeep, which I was a little jealous of, and got in. "Hey. How are you?"

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