Twenty-two: Baby

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Serious mental health struggles, homophobia, slight talk of suicide



"Hey Jo. You have a visitor," I said as Thomas and I walked in her room.

It took a few seconds, but as the realization struck her, a large smile grew on her face. "Tommy?"

"Hi sis," Thomas saluted, walking up beside her hospital bed. "Been awhile. I have a nephew, you have a husband. Both new things."

"Aw, Tom, I missed you so much. You look so grown up now," she gushed, pulling Thomas in for a hug. I wasn't surprised, she'd just birthed a creature into the world, so of course she felt all affectionate and motherly. Though, it did not seem Thomas expected that, as his eyes widened and he looked more than a little alarmed. I may or may not have laughed.

"I look older? Really? Because everyone tells me that I look, like, eleven. So you can tell I'm fifteen?"

"You're fifteen? Holy hell, I'm old. So are you, Randy. But yes, you look like a teenager."

"Older than the hills we are. Now, where is the raisin?" I inquired, beginning to get impatient. I just wanna see a lil baby. Now. Right now.

"You will introduce yourself to Marcus in a moment, he just needs to get back from the tests."

"Um, can I maybe hold him? It's completely fine if you don't want me to of course." Great job not coming off as too desperate, Randy. Fuck my life.

"Obviously, it's fine. I know how excited you are, the face you had when I announced my pregnancy was enough to tell me that. As long as Pete is okay with it, then you're more than welcome to hold him. Now come here and hug me," Josie ordered.

I chuckled and let her hold me for however long she wanted to, which ended up being about ten minutes, because that's when The Raisin was returned to the room, Peter trailing behind. Josie asked if he was okay with me holding Marcus, and he happily agreed that I could. So, I held the little raisin.


He was the ugliest baby I had ever seen, and yet he was perfect. I cradled Marcus in my arms and vowed to protect this kid like he was my own son. Thomas sat next to me and held our nephew's hand.

It was a truly magical moment.

I mean, he's my nephew. It was weird to think about. I had never had a nephew before. Or a niece. Which I guess makes sense because Marcus is my parents' first grandchild, so it of course lines up with the fact he's my first nephew. Wow, maybe I am kinda stupid if it took me so long to get to the point that Marcus is my first nephew.

As I held Marcus, I talked to my brother about how his school was going. I knew from experience that being a freshman sucks, so it was pretty easy to sympathize. Oh, and I totally didn't laugh when Thomas nearly choked on his own hair. But do not worry, the baby was very secure in my arms and was not yeeted when I began my laughing fit.

"The dangers of long hair, ladies and gentlemen," Josie commented.

Thomas glared at her. "It's only the length it is because Grandpa hates guys with long hair and I very much enjoy his annoyance whenever I wear it down. It's amusing."

She smiled. "I knew that I was teaching you right. But you shouldn't do something you don't want to do just because it's fun watching Grandpa get bothered by little things."

"Eh, I don't mind. I fully intend to chop it off sometime over the summer, though. Anyway, Marcus is holding my finger and it's so freaking adorable, I may die."

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