Twenty: Someone Will Find The Body

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"So, I have to tell you guys something," I told Li and Knox. Did I want to tell them? No. Did I kinda have to? Yes.

"Okay. What?" Knox inquired.

"Um, first of all, I haven't told you yet because I'm really scared to and I thought I could just ignore it. Well, turns out I can't. Basically, my grandparents found out I'm bi. Grandma doesn't care that much, Grandpa is not pleased. Actually, he came down here just to tell me that. He brought Tommy. He asked if Tommy knew already. Now, at that point, he was mad, but not livid. He has anger issues also, and when Tommy answered yes, Grandpa went off on him. Like, really went off. Mom and Dad weren't home at the time, so they weren't there to I did. I couldn't stand to watch my brother get hurt and not do anything about it. Long story short, I had my first anger management session Thursday and I have my next one Tuesday, where my therapist dude whose name is Garrett is going to have me take tests for anxiety and depression. Also, Grandpa's arm is broken and Dad isn't speaking to me."

"Oh. My. Okay, well that's..." Knox stared at me with his eyebrows raised. "You know what, I'm glad your getting the help you need and that you told us. That's all I'm gonna say because I'm not sure what else to add."

"Yeah, thank you. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here," Li said.

"Well, it would be hard to lie about being somewhere every week at a very specific time. I just- I just don't want people to think I'm some sort of monster. But the thing is, am I? Am I a monster? I don't want to be. It seems like I am, though," I explained.

"You're definitely not a monster. I can assure you that you're not. You simply have a few issues, and that's perfectly normal. I grew up with mental health struggles all around me. Much of my family has some form of mental illness, and that reaches into extended family also. I don't want to say who exactly, but many people I know deal with it. I'm lucky enough to not be one of those people. That's one of the reasons I want to be a therapist, because I've seen a lot in my life and I want to help the people who can't help themselves at the moment. Is it something to be embarrassed about? Absolutely not. So don't worry, we've got you, and you're okay."

"Thanks, Lili." I sat down on my bed next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. Knox turned and nuzzled into me just like how he did at the ice cream place (who knew Knox was a nuzzler? I mean, he has a black motorcycle, his closet is mostly black and consists of multiple pairs of Doc Martens). "Thank you too, Knoxie."

"You're welcome. Hey, if your dad isn't talking to you, why are we at your house and not Li's?" Knox asked.

"Because we always go to Li's so we wanted to give his parents a rest, and also the fact that Devin has his girlfriend there right now."

"How did I forget he has a girlfriend?"

"Probably because he doesn't talk about her."

"Well, then why doesn't he talk about Sylvia? I mean, she seems super nice and smart, and she's beautiful," Knox remarked. "If I were him, I'd at least mention her. She is his girlfriend, after all."

I nodded. "She did seem nice, didn't she?"

"Yeah, she is really nice. She bought me a dress after she found out I was genderfluid, and she's also going after Boston University for premed, so she's definitely smart. I don't know why he doesn't bring her up, but whatever," Li responded. "Did you guys see that dude complaining about how he doesn't get any women when he flirts with them?"

"The one with the face that makes you realize God does have a sense of humor after all?"


"Go on."

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