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Heaven's bell rings throughout the realm. It tells its angels that an important event has just begun. An event that no angel will forget for centuries to come- the execution of Belial the Fallen. 

This execution is a display for all angels to see. It is a way to display God's might and also to put the new angels in their place. No angel will rebel again like those who commit this sin before. All eyes are on the white marbled stage with an object resting on top of the stage. A gold block with ancient scripture etched on the surface. On the top of the block, there is crystal white bowl. 

Beside the etched block is Belial's executioner, Michael wearing armor he wore in his warring days. Over his suit, he wore a white chest plate with fully armored gauntlets. Resting on his hip, there is the fearsome blade that could slay any with one strike. The angels are in awe of the sight of their archangel Michael and yet there is a hint of fear rests within their being. 

Even though Michael had to wear this armor, he still held great respect for Belial. One who was fallen, she is his sister whom he looked up to when he was created. Many of their sibling who were created after God once looked up to Lucifer and Belial. Both of them are powerful and yet beautiful. Some of them felt betrayed, heartbroken when they rebelled against their father's authority. Michael already knows that Raphael and Uriel held envy towards their older siblings when they were first created. Their envy turns bitter resentment towards her as they gave judgment towards her. 

He remembers that day Gabriel tried to be the judge of his sister's trial but his words were fallen on deaf ears. Michael always sees Gabriel as the fair one and yet his other siblings call him too 'soft-hearted' towards anyone especially the sinners in Hell. With a breath leaving his lips, Michael looks up at the heavenly sky as he heard the second chime from Heaven's Bell. 


Belial sits quietly on the stone ground. Each breath she took is slow and calm. Her back faces the gold bar door. Ever since she was locked away, she didn't move from her spot. Belial still held the ring that provide her a sense of peace. The two guards that stood by and kept watch on Belial stood up straight when one individual approaches her cell. 

From a child to a young adult, his hair light brown hair turns white and gold eyes peer at the lone woman in her cell. He wore a white suit with silver colored embroidery. His white boots contrast against the dark stone floors with matching gloves. His appearance screams 'purity' like many other angels. Unlike other angels, he carried glory and fame for turning in Belial who took him in Hell. 

"Sir Jasper." One of the guards greet the young adult. They straighten their posture for Jasper. With a wave of his hand, Jasper asks them to leave them for a few minutes for a small conversation. Without protest, the guards left the both of them a moment alone. His voice echoes throughout the prison cell, "You look well, Lady - Oh! I mean Belial the Fallen." His comment is met with silence. The left corner of his lip twitch at the lack of response. "I don't know why you left this realm. Heaven is everything that I could ever wish for. They greet me with open arms especially turning in someone like you. By turning you in, Michael took me in as one of his knights. Better than you could ever offer me." 


His eyes study her figure. Belial doesn't even lift a finger nor glance at his way. It seems like he doesn't even exist in her space. Irritation feels his mind at the mere thought of him being ignored. He deserves something from her for being by her side for many years in Hell. Jasper stuck by her side through thick and thin. His hands move to wrap around the prison bars, grasping it tightly. He doesn't care it dirties his gloves. The bars stop him from grabbing the person behind bars.

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