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Grinning like a cat that ate the canary, Alastor scans the lobby for any sign of his target. The wide grin on his face is obvious. Last night, he had receive interesting information from his shadow friend. He took pride that he decide to sent his shadow to keep watch on Belial and Mimzy. He already knew Mimzy's affections for him. Alastor isn't blind that the flapper is green with envy towards the fallen angel. In fact, he finds it quite childish for her poor attempt to hide her distaste towards Belial. 

His shadow informs Alastor of Belial's hidden affections for him. This made him giddy with excitement. He wants to have a little chat with the woman, hopefully prying those very words from her lips. Oh no, he doesn't want to say anything first. Alastor has a bit of a prideful streak which is difficult for him to admit his feeling towards the woman. She should know how he felt towards her base on the conversations and the gestures from him. 

He just needs to hear those words from her for confirmation. 


"Darling Beli-" 

"Aunt Bel! Can you help me with something?"

"Yeah, sorry about that Alastor." 

"It is no trouble..."

Throughout the morning, Alastor couldn't have the moment of speaking to the fallen angel. Each time, he utters a single word someone calls Belial for assistance or she would tell him that she have to do something. He wonders if she is truly busy or possibly avoiding him. The thought sours his mood as his grin turns into forced. 

Can't he just have one conversation with her today?!

Husk became still when hearing static from the radio demon standing next to the bar. His brows furrow, muttering he didn't drink enough  for this shit. Feeling the static crackle in the air, Husk face palms himself. He felt immediate reject when words left his lips. "What is it now?" Alastor returns to his usual grinning self as he turns to Husk. "What ever do you mean, Husker?" He spoke in a happy tone. Being stuck with him, Husk knows that the radio demon is a bad mood even he is smiling. "Don't give me that bull-"

"No foul mouth language, my friend!" 

"...We are not friends." He hisses, "Whatever, fix what ever shit you are dealing with or get away from my bar." Alastor blinks then smiles widely at him. An idea comes into his mind. "Excellent idea, my friend! I don't know what I will do without you!" He exclaims. Husk blinks once and Alastor disappears by the use of his shadow. Rubbing his forehead to ease a headache, Husk uncaps a bottle of cheap booze. Time for this old cat to drink again. 


Belial is just hoping that she won't be alone with Alastor today.

Lady Luck isn't at her side today. 

On the third floor of the hotel, Belial's back press against the wallpaper. Despite the smile on her face, a cold sweat rolls down her left cheek. Her hands press against the wall. Her heart beating against her chest when she felt that familiar presence standing in front of her. Alastor has his hands resting the wall, trapping the blind woman in place. Her throat dries at the sound of his soft breaths and faint static. Swallowing a bit of her saliva, Belial broke the uncomfortable silence. 

Hazbin Hotel II Hell's ParadiseWhere stories live. Discover now