No thanks, Michael!

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"How long we are going to stay in the dark anyways? Come on, guys." Belial broke the tense silence with her signature smile. Her white eyes look forward, not making eye contact with the couple. After the long battle against Heaven, the angels retreat to lick their wounds. They aren't able to kill the three of them despite the large numbers they have at their disposal. 

After the battle, Lucifer quickly returns to his wife and sister. He found his love guiding Belial to a chair for her to sit. Belial, the third strongest being in Hell being guided by someone else. Lilith quickly tells her husband to heal Belial, even gesturing to Belial's blurred lenses. Everything that Lucifer does to bring back some semblance of eyesight to his sister. 

Nothing is working. 

His power is something to behold and yet, he can't bring back Belial's sight back. 

Lucifer hesitantly turns to the quiet Lilith. She simply shakes her head, silently telling him that she tried also. Both of them failed. How could they fail at this task? As if Belial could see their solemn expressions, she continues to speak. "...We are not in the dark, are we?" 

"That is correct, I am afraid." Lucifer finally spoke up, his voice tense. Belial remains still in her seat. Before the couple could utter another word, a bright glow appears ten steps behind them. Lucifer and Lilith turns to the source of light. The man held his sword, waiting for any sudden movements from the bright light. The glow disappears to reveal a blonde man with his hair sweep back. His bright white tuxedo with gold trim stood out. The blonde stranger looks similar to Lucifer but bears a heavenly glow. Lucifer slowly moves his wife to stand behind him so he can protect both of them. 

"Michael." Lucifer mutters. Michael nods his head in greetings then his green eyes lands on the sitting Belial. "Lucifer and Belial. It is good to see you both doing well." Michael greets his siblings. Lucifer's right hand clutch the hilt of his sword tightly. Rage could be seen behind Lucifer's eyes from Michael's point of view. "Yeah, Yeah. What does his favorite son want with us?" Belial groans. 

She isn't really in the mood to talk to God's favorite angels. Their other siblings are too arrogant, emotional, or anything else that sours her mood. Michael saw his sister's blind eyes. His hands fold behind his back. "It seems that the plan is a success." He comments. Lucifer's lips curls back to reveal his sharp teeth. "...What do you do to Belial?" He wants answers. Michael shakes his head, his eyes wandering around the mess in the main room from the lower level angels. 

"I didn't do anything, brother. It was father's plan to made Belial lose her eye sight." 

"Why, I'm not surprised?" They heard Belial mutter under her breath. Lucifer points his sword at Michael. "You put this on yourself, dear Belial. Father is quite heartbroken to lose you." Michael replies without remorse. Lilith glares at Michael. She shares the same dislike like Belial. 

"But, I can do something about that." Michael adds, "I can bring back your eyesight, Belial." His eyes remains on the blind Belial. He took one step towards them but Lucifer glares at Michael. Lucifer gave a silent threat to his brother, daring him to come a step closer. "Return to Heaven with me, Belial." Michael's voice soften, "Father is willing to forgive you for your rebellious fit and I can give you back your sight back. What do you say, Belial?" 

The couple's eyes widen from this offer. Why does God want Belial back to Heaven? He is willing to forgive Belial of her sins against him. Something doesn't feel right to Lucifer and Lilith. Lucifer slowly moves his sword down from Michael's direction. If Belial's eyes sights can come back to normal, then she should accept. Under his black heart, he doesn't want to lose one of his family members. His ears caught the sound of a chair scraping against the black tiled floor. Belial look forward at Michael's direction. 

"Who want to see you or the other's ugly mugs?" 

Her answer made Michael step back in shock. Belial let out a laugh even if she doesn't see his expression. Lucifer look at his sister as she moves to stand at his side. Belial move her hands to rest behind her neck. "Tell Pops that I won't abandoned family." Belial finish her sentence. 

"...So you really want to be blind permanently, Belial?" 

"Eh, having eyesight is overrated anyways." 

Michael straightens up, his expression turns neutral. "Very well, enjoy your blindness sister." In a flash, the angel vanishes without a single trace. "Sheesh, what they put in his tea?" Belial asks them. 

She felt Lucifer's hands on her arms. "Belial, why didn't you accept? are permanently blind!" He shouts at Belial to make his point across. Lilith place a hand on Lucifer's left shoulder to calm him. Belial could almost Lucifer's voice crack from hidden emotions. It is rare for Lucifer to show emotions other than anger as he have to strong for them and the residents of Hell. 

"So? Like I said, eyesight is overrated." Belial displays her smile at them. "Besides, I rather lose my eyes then losing the both of you - my family. Even the little one on the way." Lilith's hands rest on her round stomach from Belial's words. Lucifer removes his hands to let them rest at his sides. Disbelief could be seen on his face. 

"All this talking makes me hungry...Now, where are those demons?" Belial begins to walk away but she moves close to the wall. Using the walls and her memories of the manor as her guide, she left the couple by themselves. Lucifer let out a sigh, he pinches the bridge of his nose. "I don't know how she is able to handle this well." He grumbles. Lilith giggles at her husband's plight. "It's Bel, you know anything can't stop her. She would probably view this as one of her obstacles to beat." 

The sound of a bang echoes throughout the manor. "I'M FINE!'s just a chair!" Belial shouts out. "It's something to admire, I have to admit." Lilith adds. Lucifer lets out a sigh, "I suppose you are right." Lilith could see a hint of determination and yet admiration behind his eyes. They wonder what new thing will happen in Hell especially their little spawn coming soon. 


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