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Jackson was laying in the back of Stiles' Jeep, while I was walking towards Noah awkwardly

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Jackson was laying in the back of Stiles' Jeep, while I was walking towards Noah awkwardly. "Hey," I hear Stiles say and I look behind me. "What are you doing here?" Noah asks and Stiles sighs.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? What? It's a club, its a club we're clubbing. You know? At the club." He says pointing at the club.

Noah looks at the club and then back at us. "Not exactly your type of club." He says and Stiles looks at me for a second. "Uh, well dad there's a conversation that-" Stiles starts while Noah cuts him off. "You're not gay." Noah says and Stiles looks offended.

"I could be!" Stiles says while I say "he could be!" Stiles looks at me appreciative and Noah just shakes his head. "Not dressed like that." He says and I looks at Stiles' clothes. "Well, what's-"

"That's stereotyping. I would not accept this if I were you, Stiles. Let's go." I say and Noah wants to walk towards the Jeep, but Stiles stops him. "This is the second crime scene that you just happened to have shown up on." He says and Stiles opens his mouth to reply, but Noah beats him to it.

"And at this point I've been fed so many lies I'm not sure I know the kid standing in front of me. Now what the hell is going on?" He says and I gulp, sensing he means what he's saying.

"Dad I-" he says and I look at Noah. "The truth, Stiles." He says and I take a deep breathe. "We were here for Danny. He had just been through a rough break-up and he needed his friends. We convinced the bouncer to let me in, because I was a girl just this once." I say and Mr. Stilinski sighs.

"Yeah, we were just trying to take his mind off things. That's all." Stiles continues and Noah nods. "Well, thats really good of you guys. You're good friends." Noah says and we get in the Jeep quickly, speeding away.

"Where do we take him?" Scott asks and I frown. "What about our house?" I suggest and Stiles shakes his head. "No, too risky."

"What about your house?" Stiles suggests and Scott shakes his head. "Not with my mom there." Scott says and I sigh frustrated. "We need to take him somewhere where we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous." Scott says and Stiles sighs.

"I still say we just kill him." Stiles says and I look at him frustrated. "We're not killing him!" I yell and Stiles just grips the steering wheel tighter. "God!" He curses and sighs. "Okay, okay, I got an idea." Stiles says and Scott cocks an eyebrow at him. "Does it involve breaking the law?" He asks and I chuckle.

Stiles has always been a trouble maker, also when we were younger, he used to take stuff from his dad's office and we'd pretend we were the cops.

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