𝟬𝟭𝟴. 𝗕𝗔𝗧𝗠𝗔𝗡 𝟮𝗫𝟬𝟳

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We walk into detention and Mr

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We walk into detention and Mr. Harris points at the chairs. I sit down with Erica next to me, Stiles in front of me and Scott next to him. "I can't be in detention with them. I have a restraining order against these tools." Jackson says and I let out a sigh.

"No, just us tools." Stiles says and points at us three. "Fine, you three over there." He says and points at another table. We move and I sit down, huffing.

"I'm gonna kill him." Scott says and I nod. "I'm in," I say in agreement and I lean back. "No, you're not. You're gonna find out who's controlling him, and then you're gonna help save him." Stiles says and Scott looks at them, before he looks back at Stiles.

"No, you're right, let's kill him." Scott says and I frown. "Oh no." He says and I clench my eyes shut. "Hey, what if its Matt?" Stiles asks and I look at him.

"I mean this whole thing comes back to to video right?" Stiles suggests and I shrug. Honestly, I have no feelings towards matt, no hate, no love, I don't know him.

"Danny said that Matt was the one who found the two hours of footage missing." I say and Stiles nods. "Exactly! He's trying to throw, suspicious off himself." Stiles says and I nod. "I mean, he does like Allison... and he's friends with Jackson," I say and Scott looks at me. "He likes Allison?" I nod, I see the way he looks at her, he totally has a crush.

"So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argents hunters and the mechanic working on your Jeep?" Scott asks and Stiles nods. "Yes!"

"Why?" I ask.

"Because... he's evil." Stiles says and I roll my eyes. "You just don't like him." Scott says and Stiles sighs. "The guy bugs me, I don't know what it is. Just look at his face." He says and I chuckle. "Any other theories?" I ask and Jackson stands up.

"I just need to get to the bathroom," Jackson says and then he shares some words with Mr. Harris and leaves. "No one leaves their seats." We quickly stand up and sit down next to Erica.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," Scott says to Erica and I frown. "Maybe," she answers vaguely and I sigh. "Erica." I warn and look at her. I've been in a pissed off mood for the past days, but now with Jackson, it really pisses me off. "It was a car accident." She says sighing, putting her pen down.

"My dad was the insurance investigator and everytime he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement hell be getting when he's 18." He says and I nod.

"So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?" Stiles asks and I sigh. "Yep." Erica says and I nod. "There's something deeply wrong with that." Stiles says and Erica opens her laptop.

"I can try to find the insurance report in my dads inbox. He keeps everything." She says and I frown. "Scott McCall, please report to the principals office." I hear Victoria Argent say and I frown.

Scott leaves soon and I let out a sigh. Oh God. We look at the files and I frown. "Look at the dates," Stiles says and I glance at a paragraph.

"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death, 9.26 PM, June 14, 1995." She reads out loud and I frown.

"Jackson's birthday is June 15th." Stiles says and I nod. Mr. Harris zips his laptop bag close and stands up, walking away. When we follow him he turns around and starts laughing. "No, I'm sorry, uh yes, I'm leaving. But none of you are. You mag go when you're oure done with reshelving, enjoy the rest of the evening."


"It means he was born after his mom died by C-section." Stiles explains. "They had to pull him out of her dead body." Sad, but gross. Stiles was explaining it to Scott and Allison, who were standing next to us.

"So, was it an accident or not?" Allison asks and I shrug. "The word all over the report is inconclusive." I say and Scott frowns. "Then his parents could have been murdered?" Scott asks and Stiles nods. "Well, if they were then it falls in like with the Kanima myth. It seeks out and kills murderers." Stiles says and i nod.

"I just- does Jackson want these people dead, or his... master?" I ask and Stiles shrugs. "We have to tell him, we have to tell Jackson." Scott says and suddenly the lights smash out.

I hear Erica yell and I turn around, seeing Jackson in front of me. He pushes me on the ground and I quickly hide with Allison and Stiles. He attacks Scott, but then walks to the chapboard.

He looks kinda weird and then starts writing something on it. I frown and I read it. "Stay out of my way or I'll kill all of you." It read. I suddenly see Erica collapsing and shaking and I look at her, running towards her with Stiles.

"Hey, hey. Hey!" Stiles yells and I quickly lift her up. "I think she's having a seizure." Stiles says and Scott comes to us, while Allison walks towards Matt. "He's alive." She says and I nod.

"We need to go to a hospital."

"D-derek, only to Derek." She says and I nod. "When we get her to the hospital..." Scott says. "To Derek, to Derek." She says again and I look at Scott.

"I'm staying with you." Scott says and runs to her. "The can't take her alone, not like this and Matt... I've got to call an ambulance for him, just go." She says and I look at Scott.

"This doesn't feel right." He says and I look at Erica, squeezing her hand. "it's OK," she says and I look at Stiles. "No, it's not, no it's not right." I gasp and take away some of her pain. "Sarah..." stiles trails off but i shake my head.

Scott lifts her up and we start running. Hopefully she'll be okay... I care about her.


"Pull her up!" Derek orders laying her down in the train. "Is she dying?" Stiles asks worried and I look at Scott. "She might I... which is why this is gonna hurt." He says and breaks her arm. She screams and Stiles looks at him in shock.

"You broke her arm!" He yells and Derek nods panicked. "It should trigger the healing progress. I still gotta get the venom out. This is where it's really gonna hurt." Erica yells and screams and then the screams die out, and she falls against Stiles.

"Stiles..." Erica says weakly and I look at them. "You make a good batman." And then she passes out. I let out a long breathe and I see Scott and Derek walk out.

"I'll help you, as part of your pack." I hear Scott say and I groan. If he's gonna be part of the pack then I should too. I don't think I've ever left. It's just complicated. I can't be there for Stiles and for Isaac at the same time.

And they didn't ask me to choose... I don't know if I'm able to do that.

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