Chapter Thirteen

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Whooo boy hello! Hope you all aren’t super mad at me for leaving you with that cliffhanger and not uploading…:/ sorry. had some writer’s block with a future chapter and I had to get past it before uploading this, so thank you for putting up with me. But on the bright side, I updated! And my birthday’s a week from Wednesday eek! But it’s on Ash Wednesday so I’m celebrating it Tuesday lol. but I’ll be 15 ahhh that’s so exciting, I’m so DONE with 14 lol. But yeah, sorry, enough about me, more about this chapter – WHY THE HELL IS CHARLIE ALIVE?! (and why the hell did Word just turn THE back to The? Stupid autocorrect) so yeah on to the story!! Please fan/vote/comment. Wait do we even “fan” anymore, someone explain, I don’t get why we’ve gone all twitter and it’s “following” now, I liked fanning :( it was unique. Whatevs. Bye! Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Thirteen

♥         Astrid       ♥

Time spiraled. My mind and body were so exhausted and confused and relieved and overjoyed and furious that I lost all sense of everything else. It was only Charlie – oh my gosh, Charlie – and his white face and the shivers running through his feverish body. Everything else was numbed out, much like it had been after Cloying had shot him all those weeks ago, and yet this time it was different because there were no red flowers, there was no gun, there was nothing but the cold stone floor and the harsh bright lights overhead and he was alive.


I still couldn’t accept it, holding him close as Jay tried to get me to move, begged me to come with him before someone came and saw us there. Somehow I thought that if I let him go, he would be gone, just a memory again as he had been for three months. And yet there he was, solid in my arms, his chest moving up and down feebly in fast, shallow breaths as if each one were numbered and he was impatient to get them out.


I kept whispering his name, over and over, as if that would make this dream be real, as if it could make this nightmare that had started three months ago end. He stayed unconscious for hours, long after I realized that Jay had finally left. Dimly I remembered him promising he would be back, to just stay put and he would try and help us out, but I had no clear memory of him leaving. It was just Charlie and me, alone in that bright, cold room, like one of my dreams I had had in the hospital.

But was this a dream?

He felt so real, so alive, that my heart longed to accept but my mind was far too practical to believe. I had seen the bullet, seen the blood that came after, and yet here he was with no marks in his chest at all, no sign of a healed injury or recovering wound. There were plenty of other signs – the mess on his face, the dried blood in his hair – but no bullet. So surely it was a dream, then.

But it was a good one, and so I stayed where I was, stroking his dark hair away from his face. He could have been asleep, except for the utter lifelessness of his body, and the time wiled away as I felt my own eyelids closing and forced myself to keep them open, to keep living this dream for as long as I could. I never wanted him to leave my arms.

At some point – I didn’t bother to look at my watch –a noise came from the door and Jay entered again. He looked wearier than I had ever seen him look, his hair a mess and the shadows more pronounced under his eyes, and he stopped in the doorway to look at me, a bitter smile twisting across his mouth.

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