Chapter Fifteen

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Hello! First upload as a 15 year old whoop! Just kidding it’s not that exciting. So how are you all?? I hope you had a great winter break if you had one, I just got through with a 4-day weekend. So yeah! AND MY BEST FRIENDS GOT ME TAYLOR SWIFT TICKETS FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait oh my gosh I’m so excited!!! Sorry enough about me, you guys probably hate these, I apologize. How are all of YOU doing? Anything new and exciting in your lives??

Anyway, please vote and comment loads and follow me, I suppose, does ANYONE know why it changed from fanning to following?? It’s killing me! But enjoy anyway!

Gracias! <3 vb123321

Chapter Fifteen

♥         Astrid       ♥

The room was spinning, the lights overhead swinging drunkenly as I looked up at the ceiling before collapsing in a chair at the tiny table and burying my face in my hands. My stomach was churning and my eyelids were prickly with sleep, even though I had gotten nearly ten hours during the day. I kept my eyes closed as I heard Wulf and Josh moving around the tiny room, talking in low voices about Joel.

“You ever going to tell him?”

“That’s not up to me, is it?”

I looked up as Josh spoke to find both of them looking at me. Josh was leaning against the sink, a little frown hovering over his forehead as he shoved his hair out of his eyes and then folded his arms over his chest. Wulf rubbed his face wearily, looking between the two of us before crossing over to the tiny fridge and opening it. He pulled out a can of beer, looking in Josh’s direction.

“This calls for a drink. You want one, kid?”

“Sure. I definitely need it.” Josh reached forward and took the can from him, popping it open and drinking deeply. Wulf took one for himself – I noticed he hadn’t asked me – and sank down in the other chair at the table, sipping it. I caught Josh’s eye with a raised eyebrow as he put the can to his lips again, and he shrugged.

“What? I’m legal here, remember? Eighteen, buddy.” He smirked as I rolled my eyes. “I can get you one, if that’s what you’re complaining about.”

I didn’t miss Wulf’s wary look as I said, “No, that’s fine, thanks.”

Silence ensued as they both watched me. I knew they were waiting for me to start talking but the words weren’t coming. Pulling the ponytail holder out of my long dark hair, I re-gathered the thick mass and tugged it away from my face, staring at the tile floor as I tried to think of something to say. My brain was too one-tracked at that point to think about what had happened the previous day, and so all I said was “Is Charlie going to be all right?”

The older agent was obviously struggling to be patient, but even Josh’s face was anxious as he looked over at him. Wulf glanced at him before saying, “He will be, I swear. Armand is the best doctor in Europe.”

I couldn’t help myself. “But who is he?”

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