Chapter Three

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Hey, everyone!! Don’t know what to say, but please enjoy. This chapter’s kind of crappy, because it’s just a filler, and I apologize, but I hope it’ll get better from here on. Thanks for reading!! Please comment/vote/fan!!

Gracias <3 vb123321

Chapter Three

♣         Josh          ♣

The first thing I felt on my face as I began to wake, ironically enough, was the soft pattering of rain. Slowly, my other senses came back, and I could hear voices reverberating around me in a dizzying cacophony of fluctuating emotions. While I was still attempting to engage enough neurons to open my eyes, I could make out sounds of frustration, anger, and worry, emotions that I was having trouble finding in myself. In fact, I could feel nothing.

Nothing except the rain.

And then, I realized that I was moving my hands. A tremor of pain shot through my shoulder as I flexed my arm, and my eyes flickered open for the first time. Taking a deep breath, I looked around me, wincing at the pain in my side as I did so. I was back in the valley near the barn, where we had set up our camp. People were moving around rapidly, the voices still sounding, and I didn’t recognize most of them; it seemed that Wulf had called in for help.

The rain continued to fall on me, but I made no move to try and get into a shelter of any sort. My arms hugged my body in an automatic gesture, and a few moments later, I became conscious of the fact that I was shivering violently. Still I did not seem to be able to move as my mind drifted towards other things. Was Pierre all right? Had I been able to get him out alive? I couldn’t remember much after finding him in the barn, except for the mad chase away from the flames and the pain in my shoulder as I crashed through the wall…

And Janice.

I raised my head, looking around me in a more intense search. Beneath me was a cot that had presumably once been white but was now looking a dingy grey. It was outside one of the tents, perched in the grass with me on top of it. I couldn’t see any other cots outside of the tents, and so I assumed that as one of the least wounded, I had been the one they had shunted away.

Swinging my legs over the side of my makeshift bed, I placed my feet on the ground and pulled myself unsteadily to my feet. My side became alight with pain as I involuntarily grabbed at the side of the cot for support, wrenching my shoulder back in an uncomfortable position. At least I hadn’t been burnt, I thought, as I straightened and tried to look as though I was all right. Two people were hurrying towards me – Wulf, and another that I didn’t recognize.

“Steiner!” Wulf sounded relieved, calling me by my name for the second time in a short while. “You okay?”

The man who was with him – he looked like a medic – grabbed my arm as I swayed on my feet. “He doesn’t look okay,” he said with a frown. “How do you feel, kid? Bit better?”

“Why don’t you get me a lollipop and a band-aid, too?” I asked him sardonically. “The ‘kid’ crap gets annoying. Real fast.”

Wulf was smiling. “You’re all right, then, huh?”

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