Why Are You In Gotham? -Chapter 2

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When Bruce got word from Damian that they had captured one of the ghosts, he rushed back to the manor as fast as he could. It was a surprisingly quiet night anyway. He drove into the cave and parked the Batmobile, and looked around to see Tim and Grayson standing around some strange cage.

He walked over and raised a brow at the glowing green cage. And then at the human-like form inside it, unconscious. Dick (still in costume) pushed himself off of the desk he had been reclining on. "We caught one."

"I can see that." Batman responded dryly. "Why is it in the cave?"

Tim crossed his arms. "See, I said the same thing."

"What did the demon brat tell you?" Dick asked.

Batman walked around the cage, slowly analyzing the ghost within. "That you had shot a ghost out of the sky, and then thought it looked smart, so you brought it inside, thus endangering all of us. Also, that none of it was his plan." Batman answered. He noticed the small burn on the back of the ghost's shoulder where it had been leaning up against the bars.

"Okay, well I thought we could be asking this thing what has been going on with all of the ghosts attacking the cave." Dick gestured towards the white-haired ghost. "It would make sense, seeing as it was going to the same place all the others were."

Batman said nothing and nodded. "It's being burned. What are these bars made of?"

Tim walked over and looked at something on his wrist hologram that he pulled up that sowed the schematics of the cage he had downloaded. "A bunch of common metals that are quite strong. And the bars have a very thin ecto-ranium casing. They are all energized by ectoplasm by that wiring." He pointed to the top of the cage. "It also powers the lock that holds the door."

"It seems ecto-ranium is a ghost repellent. I am assuming they are unable to phase through."

"That's what makes it a containment device." Tim nodded.

"Cage is more like, I don't even know why they call it a containment device, besides the pathetic attempt at making it seem more humane." Damian said simply as he walked further into the light from the entrance to the cave from the manor.

Dick gestured to the cage and back to Damian. "We get it, you don't like the cage, but like I said it won't be here long."

"Anything else I should know?" Batman asked.

"Grayson was able to take it down with a couple of shots from one of those blasters." Damian pointed to the few weapons on the shelf. "It seemed to weaken him. It had a stronger effect on him than it did the other ghosts for some reason."

Dick nodded, "It was strange. It was like the moment the shots electrocuted him, he lost his energy. That, or he's not as powerful as the other ghosts we came across." He crossed his arms.

Tim turned back to his monitor. "That doesn't make sense. From my readings it shows he is much more powerful than the creatures we fought for the rest of this month. I guess he's more stable than the other ones?" He put his hand to his chin. "Or it has something to do with the electricity used in those weapons when I rigged them up. A weakness maybe?"

"Seems like." Batman nodded. "Maybe different types of ghosts have different weaknesses. This one seems to give off a lot more cold energy than the other ones."

Tim sat up and pulled up another file showing a reading of the cage. It looked like a bio scan. It showed zero life signs. "This ghost has been emitting cold as its body heals. Also pulling in heat from around it." He pulls up a scan of a ghost wolf that they had fought last week. "But these ghosts gave off heat and pulled in cold." Both scans showed the heat map of both creatures, the temperature coming from something in the center of their chests.

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