The Blood Isn't Drake's -Chapter 17

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Bruce pressed play on the video again. The first time he watched it he was shocked by the drastic change in Tim. Especially the way he called out for him. Normally, in kidnapping attempts, Tim was the one not to over-dramatize. He sounded like he was genuinely in fear.

Bruce had received the video about twelve minutes ago. He had rewatched it at least nine times during that window, analyzing the footage while his tech analyzed the whereabouts. The video had been sent to the GCPD and he had downloaded it from their mainframe. They hadn't even contacted Bruce Wayne yet about his kidnapped-for-ransom ward, so right now he was figuring it out for himself.

It was clear that the GCPD didn't know where the video originated, but Bruce knew he could track it down quickly. He could already tell it was a warehouse. Either by the docs or near some of the factories on the other end of the city. He couldn't send anyone off just yet. It also appeared that the video was filmed over five hours ago, which was concerning and dangerous.

Normally kidnappers would send the ransom in as soon as they film the video instead of waiting, to get their money as soon as possible. Maybe they were just trying to prove a point by making Bruce scared over his missing child. Bruce knew that Tim and all of his kids knew how to take care of themselves in a situation like this.

But there was another problem, the fact that it wasn't Tim who was kidnapped. It was clear that it was still Tim's body, but his eyes were glowing green. The same green that the ghost who had possessed him in the cave had.

That left one explanation: The ghost had gotten kidnapped while possessing Tim's body. He probably didn't know how much of a target the son of one of the most wealthy people on the planet was. Also, given the fact that Tim's parents beforehand were also millionaires added to the frequency of his attempted kidnappings.

The video had played through again. Bruce glanced up at the progress bar at the top of the screen; still a few more minutes of analyzing. He pressed play again. "Hello, Mr. Wayne." The ghost's eyes shot open with surprise. He most likely didn't know that Tim was related to Bruce Wayne in any way. So that meant he didn't recognize the manor when he left. And. this also meant that it was highly likely that he now knew the identity of Batman and the rest of his family.

"As you can see, we have your second youngest." The man continued. Gesturing back at Tim who was tied up in a chair next to two armed guards holding their weapons at the ready. All faces covered. "If you want him back alive and in one piece I suggest you have five million transferred to us within the next twelve hours." He turned to Tim, "Anything to say to daddy, boy?"

The ghost, in the meantime, had been twitching his eyebrows slightly like he was thinking very hard -or speaking in his head. Simultaneously, he was glaring at the man's condescending tone. He thought for a moment and Bruce saw one of the men next to him clench his fist, before the kid spoke up, most likely unknowingly saving himself from an aggression.

"I'm so sorry Dad, just please get me out of here." Tim never called Bruce Dad. He would call him B, Bruce, or Batman. Something he picked up from Dick. The only one of his kids that ever called Bruce Dad was Jason, back when he was still robin. But not after he became Red Hood and started drifting away to become a crime lord.

Damian also only referred to him as father. But the kidnappers likely would never notice something like that. Especially as they didn't even seem to notice the fact that Tim's eyes were a totally different colour and even glowing in some light.

Another deep breath. "I don't know what to do. Don't let them cut off my fingers or something, I-... I-" One of the men lifted his rifle and smacked the ghost in the back of the head signaling the boy to stop talking so that the man from before could continue. He looked directly into the face of the camera, taking up the entire view and hiding Tim behind him. "Like I said you have twelve hours." And the camera shuts off.

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