Chapter 5: Acclimatizing (3)

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After we ate, Sir Elias went home together with us. He stayed over for dinner and left. We went to sleep upstairs in one bed so it was kinda uncomfortable. I then felt some pressure from my right and when I opened my dozy eyes, I saw mom getting out of bed so I quietly followed her.

She went downstairs and exited the house. There I saw her stop at a tree and I saw an unknown figure. I saw a peculiar face I never saw before on mom's face. Her eyebrows were raised and her lips were curled up in a creepy way.

"Do you still want to hide that f*cking princess?" I heard the stranger asked in annoyance.

P-Princess?! Who, me?! Wait, I'm a princess? Does brother know that too? Or he doesn't have to do with it? But, I thought I'm just a commoner like that so-called gad said? Did he lie so he can reincarnate me?

"Of course, the Emperor would give us everything just for her!! Imagine, he can step down from the throne when we tell him that his daughter dies if he doesn't." Mom replied that I couldn't help but step back. I stepped on a dry leaf that it let out a sound and the two people looked at my direction.

"Who's there?!" The man angrily said and went down from the tree holding out a knife.

A hand suddenly covered my mouth and dragged me away from the door.

"Shh, just follow me Sun." Brother advised me and we stopped at the kitchen.

"I know what you're thinking but I'm not one of them. I'm a spy sent by my father, Grand Duke Sirius of Heliontha. I'm sorry for deceiving you but I just had to protect you. Our mom belongs to the rebel forces and that man is her subordinate. I'll distract them and when I give you the signal, run as fast as you can. I already gave a message to the imperial knights and they must be somewhere around the border. You must run, okay?" He warned me but we flinched when 'mom' and her 'subordinate' came inside.

"Look who we have here, my eldest son and his pathetic little sister." Mom said and pulled out a rapier. The man laughed behind her that sent shivers down my spine.

"Sun, remember what I told you?" Grand Duke Sirius's son asked and I nodded.

"I don't think so!!" Mom angrily declared and rushed to attack us. Brother Heinrey pushed me away and defended the attack with a knife from the table. He struggled to fight the two but he still beamed out a smile to comfort me.

"Run Sunni!!" He said and I obeyed. I ran out of the room and into the woods. I ran through the fog, the tickling grass and the hanging vines on trees. I just ran and ran until I felt my legs losing strength. I faceplanted on the swamp so I stood up and wiped the mud off my face.

What kind of life is this?! Brother is actually a spy sent from 'Heliontha' while my mom is a rebel that took care of me to blackmail my father which is the Emperor! When I see that gad again, I'll rip him to shreds!!

I sensed a particular aura coming from a distance that I lost control of my body and ended up following it. My legs were slowly giving out but still I kept on running. Once in a while, I tripped over something and then I faceplanted.

I moved some vines away and then I saw a man with a full body armor. When he turned around to face me, I saw a peculiar crest on his chest, a golden lion with floating mane like the sun's rays. He used a horn to make a sound and many more like him arrived wearing the same armor.

They were about to get me when someone dragged me behind and put the edge of the knife on my neck.

"If you try to move, she dies." A husky voice of a woman said that they stiffened.

"Stop, let go of Her Imperial Highness!! Stop in the name of the Emperor!!" The knight holding a flag said and they all pointed their swords at her.

"Do you want her to die? I said don't mo--!" Suddenly, some blood splattered in all directions and she let go of me. She coughed out blood and struggled to breathe.

What just happened? Who slit her throat? Is she dead now?

"Are you okay, princess?" The knight with the flag worriedly asked and ran to hug me.

"Pardon my discourtesy, but this physical contact may comfort Your Imperial Highness." He explained that I can't help but laugh at his words.

"Sir Knight, who killed her?" I curiously asked and a boy around fifteen with the same hair and eye color as me jumped in front of me. All the knights present knelt down.

"Endless glory to the bright star of Heliontha!!" They said in unison that I gasped. The knight let go of me so the boy hurried to embrace me.

Who the hell is he? Bright star..? Hmm... is he a prince?

"My dear little sister, I was so worried. We were all worried because you disappeared from the palace! Sorry for that violence earlier, it must've been scary."

"Bro-Brother..?" He nodded vigorously. "Y-You're my real brother..?" He nodded again.

"Yes Solaris, I'm your brother." I balked at how he addressed me.

S-Solaris? Is that my real name?

"It's okay, it's all okay now. Your brother is here to protect you." He gently rubbed my back.

A bush rustled so everyone pointed their weapons at it but they soon withdrew all of it when a familiar person went out of it and knelt.

"Endless glory to the stars of Heliontha, Your Imperial Highness Crown Prince Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha and Your Imperial Highness Princess Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha!" He greeted us and stood up.

Huh, what was my name again?

"Brother Heinrey!!" I rushed to hug him.

He was full of bruises from his face to his limbs. Dust and mud covered most of his face and there were some blood stains on his clothes.

Did he kill that man earlier?

"Now that she's safe, let's go!" Brother Licht said.

Living as a Low-Class is the Princess's Dream!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon