Season 2 Summary: Helionthan Political Strife

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Just as I've done noticing and reciprocating Deim's feelings towards me, my evil twin sister Borealis arrives at my coming-of-age ceremony proclaiming herself as the real Imperial Princess with the backing of the Empress Consort and Marquis Mauvais.

I saw this as an opportunity to achieve my dream commoner life, but I got caught by my unofficial fiancé and taken to Lunaria disguised as a cat. There I faced many incidents,  which lead me to have a relationship with him, with brother's blessing.

My brother and I returned to Heliontha discreetly when I found out that there's a secret organization who's been at odds with the six empires, and is now controlling our political adversaries.

The Throne of Beleth.

It is an organization which opposed the Galaxian Empire, and is now manipulating the few most important figures of our empire to achieve their goal, which might flip the world upside down...

Bringing chaos that not even gad can fix.

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