Chapter 8: Kidnapped (3)

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After their Emperor's death, the people became miserable. A war broke out and the great Galaxian Empire was divided. The royal concubines didn't have children so there was no successor to the throne.

Then the five Archdukes of Galaxia stepped up and claimed their rights to succession namely: Archduke Astre Heliontha, Archduke Azogue Lunaria, Archduke Foudre Skypeia, Archduke Boue Tierra and Archduke Noir Eboulis. Each of them specializes in one particular magic: Light, Water, Wind, Earth and Dark respectively. They waged on each other and were on a stalemate while the sixth Archduke who specializes in Fire magic disappeared.

Archduke Heliontha had the Vif Holy Nation on his side, Archduke Lunaria relied on the Galaxian people's decision, Archduke Skypeia elevated his territory in the sky, Archduke Tierra relied on military power and Archduke Eboulis made a contract with the Devil Lucifer. They wielded equally powerful powers that they couldn't decide who'll be the next Emperor.

After so many years of civil war, they finally agreed to divide Galaxia into five smaller empires and named it after their surnames. That's how the great empire crumbled and new ones being established.

Why didn't they just think about that last resort in the first place?

We finally arrived at the outskirts of the famous town. The people waved at us with happy expressions and some even shook hands with us. The town chief showed us the house we're gonna stay in and gave us welcoming gifts.

'Mom' laid the body of 'Sunni' on the bed and put a blanket on her. She also placed a vase of freshly-picked flowers from the town chief's garden and arranged the things in her bag in the house.

I got curious so I positioned a stool beside her bed and stared at her.

She really is pretty at first glance; she didn't deserve getting cursed to sleep. Will she wake up again? I bet Licht would kill himself if it means the Imperial Princess could be saved. Right, 'mom' haven't thought of an alibi to justify why 'my little sister' wouldn't wake up.

"Mom, why isn't she waking up?" I innocently asked that she balked. "Is she dead?"

"Nope! Just... my friend got jealous of her so she fed Sunni some poison. I don't know what it was but based from a doctor's findings, it can cause either extreme mental pain or coma." I sadly nodded in understanding.

She's good!

We settled in just fine and three years went by in a flash.

I just got back from the forest and washed up when Sunni's arms moved and her eyes opened revealing her golden irises that a smile crept up on my face.

She woke up!! Is this for real?! Who lifted the curse?

The good son I am, I called my 'mom' and she hurriedly went upstairs.

She really knows how to act; she can be an actress!

She hugged the Imperial Princess pretending to be the worried sick mother that I almost snorted. Sunni looked at us in wonder that got me anxious.

Doesn't she recognize me? We frequently played five years ago! Oh right, Sir Betelgeuse told us that her soul itself separated from her body. So, is she still the princess? Or is it another soul?

Her stomach grumbled that 'okaasan' hurried to get some food. I took this chance to talk to her.

"Sunni, brother wants to tell you something. If you see someone with a metal outfit, run as fast as you can okay? And then hide here. Our neighbors will also help you." (You should go to a knight when you see one.) "Understood?"

"Mhm!" She replied that I mentally facepalmed.

She didn't understand a thing...

After she ate, I brought the dirty dishes to the sink and I peaked to see the princess shocked at her own reflection. They talked about something that didn't concern me so I left to the forest near the house. I was about to use the transmission artifact when 'Sunni' called for me so I followed her voice and stopped at the back of the house.

She asked me to fetch her some water and even asked about our father. I was surprised so I ended up stuttering and I nervously left.

"Endless glory to the sun of the Helionthan empire, Your Imperial Majesty the Emperor! This nephew of yours shall now report a good news to you. The Princess has finally woke up like His Holiness the Pope has prophesied. Will you send some knights, Your Imperial Majesty?"

"What, she's awake?! Thank goodness! Does she remember anything?" I shook my head.

"Alas, her physical and astral form were separated, what can we expect? I'll send thirty imperial knights at your location and you can send them a signal to attack. You have to capture the woman for interrogation and torture, you can also kill her if needed. We all await for your return."

I bowed my head. "Understood, Your Imperial Majesty."

He nodded and I turned off the device.

I went back to the house when 'mom' walked back and forth in the kitchen. She kept biting her teeth in panic so I walked towards her. She suddenly grabbed my shoulders and I saw her grimace for the first time.

"Heinrey, Sunni's missing! What do we do?" She stated that I widened my eyes.

"M-Missing..? Where did you last see her?" "I changed her then she went out."

Dammit, where could she have gone? It's not like she escaped right?

A scroll of paper floated in the air and few words appeared on it.

'Miss Margaux, I found a girl wearing your hair tie... do you know her? She has strange hair and eye color. If you do, you can find us in the town chief's mansion...'

Relieved, 'mom' grabbed my wrist and dragged me until we arrived at the said location. There we saw a familiar looking girl holding a man's hand while looking at an old man. We hurried to hug her and exchanged some words. We were even shocked to hear that she blackmailed the town chief.

She got hungry so we went to Aunt Yuna's café and ate some desserts. The guests inside gossiped to each other and shushed right away when 'mom' glared at them.

After eating dinner with Sir Elias, 'mom' and the Imperial Princess headed straight to bed so I sneaked out of the house and realized a Light sparrow. It flew towards the forest so I hid in the kitchen. 'Mom' went past me and went outside, 'Sunni' shortly followed and stopped behind the door.

She heard the rebels' conversation and I could see that it shocked her and unintentionally made a sound so I covered her mouth and whispered to follow me. She obeyed and I told her everything. The woman and her subordinate came inside and was about to stop the princess from escaping when I stopped her weapon with a knife from the table and shoved the girl with me out of the way.

She ran and the man tried to follow her when I stopped him from his tracks by throwing another knife at him. The woman swiftly dodged all my attempts to slash her and eventually escaped while the man confidently rushed to attack me but I dodged and counterattacked. He dropped dead on the spot so I followed the woman into the woods.

When I arrived, the woman is already dead and I saw the Crown Prince hugging her sister so I greeted both of them. She rushed to hug me after calling me 'Brother Heinrey' that her biological brother glared at me in jealousy.

They went a few meters away from us and the Imperial knights and came back with the Crown Prince carrying the Imperial Princess bridal style. We left the forest with some carriages and arrived in Lisboa at dawn.

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