Chapter 14:

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'She's waking up.' A muffled voice says.

I slowly open my heavy eyelids, and look around. I'm in a white room on a bed. I try and sit up.

'Lay back.' Adriano says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I glare at him and slap his hand off me. I sit up and look around me, I'm in a plain bedroom, probably a guest room.

'Glad to know she's back to normal.' Alessandro laughs. I look over at him, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

'Where am I?' I ask as I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

'Our house.' Alora says. Her purple hair is in a messy bun and she looks worried.

'Do you remember what happened?' Terzo asks.

'Of course, we were fighting some men.' I reply.

'You lost a lot of blood.' Zoya adds.

I pull off the covers, and see a huge scar on my thigh. I trace my finger over it. That's going to stay forever.

'Alora did a good job patching you up.' Lorenzo says. I keep on tracing the scar.

'We all have scars.' Zoya shows me the one on her jaw. I look over at Alora who turns around and shows me the huge scar on the back of her neck.

Terzo pulls down the collar of his shirt and there's a long scar camouflaged in the black snake tattoo. Adriano pulls up his shirt, showing the scar on the bottoms of his toned abs. Alessandro pushes up the front of his hair to show the scar on his forehead.

'They all tell a story.' Alora adds.

'What time is it?' I ask, rubbing my forehead.

'It's 8:35pm.' Adriano replies.

'How long have I been asleep?' I ask.

'Two days.' Alora replies.

'Shit.' I mutter. I get out of the bed and pull down my red dress. My back aches.

Adriano grabs my arm.

'You need to be more careful.' He says. 'Don't be walking through anymore dark ally's.'

I turn to look at him.

'Who's fault was that?' I snap.

'Excuse me?' He furrows his eyebrows.

'If you weren't following me, I wouldn't have wanted to get rid of you and walked into that ally.' I explain.

I try and get out of his grip, but he tightens it.

'If you weren't a stubborn bitch and got into my car, you wouldn't have ended up nearly dead.' He snarls.

I push him off me, and he hits the table, dropping the needles and antibiotics to the floor. He clenches his fists.

'If you hadn't ruined my date I wouldn't have had to walk home alone!' I yell.

This is the thanks I get.' He snaps.

I pick up the glass of water that was on the table next to my phone and throw it on him.

'Thanks pendejo.' I snarl

Alora puts a reassuring hand on my arm. I grab my phone and purse off the table next to the bed and face her.

I try and turn on my phone, it's dead.

'Can someone please drive me home?' I sigh. My head is killing me.

'I'll do it.' Zoya says. Alessandro throws her the keys and she catches them.

'Thank you Alora.' I quickly hug her and follow Zoya out of the room. We walk through corridors. I knew the Giovanni's were rich but I didn't think they were this rich.

They live in a mansion. They live in a fucking mansion.

'Thanks Zoya.' I say as I get out of the black Rabge Rover.

'It's the least I could do.' She says smiling. I wave goodbye and she drives off.

I walk up to my house and put my key in the lock, before I could turn it the door swings open and Mimi is standing in front of me.

Her hair is a complete mess, her mascara is running down her cheeks and she's in a white fluffy robe.

'Where have you been!' She exclaims, pulling me into a tight hug.

'I was staying at a friends house.' I explain.

'For two days?!' She says. 'I've been calling you.'

'Phone died.' I reply, walking into the house.

'You scared me.' She says.

'Is that why you look like a mess?' I ask.

'I was going to kill them police.' She ignores what I just asked.

'I'm fine.' I say grabbing her shoulders, making her look at me.

'You don't look fine.' She says. I walk past the mirror and take a look at my reflection. She's right.

The bruise on my right eye has died down, but it's still there. My whole shoulder is bruised.

'I'm just gonna take a bath and get something to eat.' I say sighing.

I walk into the kitchen and take some medicine out from the drawer. I fill a glass with water and take the tablets. Hopefully that helps my headache.

'I'll make us some food.' Mimi says.

I walk up the stairs and open the water to fill up the bath.

I take off my red dress. It's ruined with mud, lasagna and blood.

I get into the bath. The warm water relaxes the muscles in my shoulder. I start scrubbing the dirt off my body.

I grab a white towel and wrap it around my body. I walk into my room.

'Hey Tesoro.' Adriano says.

'Fucking hell.' I snap.

'We didn't finish our conversation.' He says. He gets up and starts walking towards me. I step back and hit the wall.

He puts a hand on my neck, pinning me to the wall. His rings are cold against my skin.

'Speak to me like that again and I won't hesitate to cut off that pretty little tongue of yours.' He says, tracing my bottom lip with his finger.

'Adriano, fuck off.' I snarl pushing him off me. 'I'm not in the mood.'

'That's not fun.' He laughs. This asshole won't stop testing my patience.

'I'm in so much pain, my back is killing me.' I say. The smirk vanishes off his face.

'I should've done more than just killed those men.' He snarls.

'Just please leave, I'll see you at school.' I sigh.

'I'm not leaving until you feel better.' He says, crossing his arms.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 😁
I made an Instagram account for Dilara and Adriano:
Please check them out!
Have a nice day!

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