Chapter 52:

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It's been four days since the incident. Four days and I've been doing the same routine every single day.

Wake up, shower, check how my wound is healing, blood tests and sleeping.

Occasionally, Terzo or Alora and Mimi will come and visit me. Will said that they're not allowed to take me out of the hospital wing anymore.

Today I'm finally being discharged, but I have to come in for checkups every three days. I have the option to use a walking stick or to stick to the wheelchair.

I feel like a wheelchair is the safest thing for now.

'Thank you so much Will,' I say.

'It's my job,' he replies shrugging. 'Remember if you want to use a walking stick you're more than welcome.'

'Thank you,' I reply

I wheel my way out of the hospital and decide to go to the kitchen.

I pass the meeting room and the doors are closed. It's open just a little bit, enough for me to peer in.

'Where do you think he is?' Alessandro asks.

'Lying in a ditch somewhere.' Xuan replies.

'Adriano isn't dead!' Zoya exclaims slamming her hands on the table.

'We haven't heard from him in four days.' Another voice snarls.


I bite down on the inside of my cheek, my eyes heavily watering.

He can't be dead. I won't believe it.

I touch my cheeks and realise that the tears have escaped.

'We still need to look,' Lorenzo says.

'There's no point.' Vittoria replies.

I hiccup, and wipe my eyes. I don't care if I'm making noise.

Alessandro comes over to the door and opens if wider, exposing me.

'Get rid of her,' Vittoria snarls.

'She has the right to hear this.' Alessandro wheels me into the room.

I feel so useless, just sitting here crying.

'Can't we send more people to search?' Zoya asks.

'There's been no sign of him now, it's not going to change.' She says sternly. 'It'll be a waste of time.'


'Calm down Dilara.' Lorenzo says.

Xuan looks shocked at my sudden outburst and tries to stifle his laugh, earning a glare from Vittoria.

'Who do you think you are.' Vittoria snarls. 'I know what the right thing to do it.'

'You clearly don't, you're sitting here being stupid instead of searching for him.' I snap.

'I know my place, but I think it's time you learnt yours.' She replies tonelessly.

'I think she's right,' Zoya says. 'We shouldn't stop trying, nothing has been confirmed.'

'I second that.' Alessandro says.

'If you don't send people to look, I'll go out there myself.' Lorenzo adds. 'I don't think you want to loose more people from your mafia.'

Vittoria sighs and glares straight at me.

'I won't have you causing disorder in my house.' She points at me.

'You should know, that as long as you give up I won't stay silent and you'll wish I was dead.' I snarl.

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