Chapter 84:

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I slowly regain consciousness , and it all comes back to me. I try to move, but realise that I'm chained to a chair. The room is completely dark.

My entire body is aching and bleeding.

'Well well, look what we have here,' A voice says.

A couple lamps switch on, but it doesn't help brighten up wherever I currently am.

A tall, dark man with brown eyes and cornrows stands before me.

I try to speak but I have a gag in my mouth.

'Well Adriano, you did make a lot of problems when escaping.' He says. 'Killing a random guy who looked a little like you and sending the body back to your family, I mean honestly how low can you get?'

A man from behind me pulls down my gag.

'Where am I?' I spit.

'I mean honestly they had a whole funeral for you.' He laughs dryly. 'Your little girlfriend made quite the scene when she saw your body.'

'What did you do to her,' I snarl. 'I swear if you lay a finger on her-'

'Uh-uh,' he moves his finger, cutting me off. 'You're in no place to be making threats.'

'Is she safe?' I ask.

'She's perfectly fine in Milan right now,' he says. 'You see, we've been keeping an eye on her.' He crouches down to me.

What does he mean by that? What does he want with her?

So many questions run through my head.

'How did you find me?' I ask.

'That little place you were staying at, ratted you out.' He smirks. 'You see everyone in a fifty mile radius from here would rat you out, you never had a chance of escaping.'

That little motel keeper told them I was staying there.

'What do you want from me?' I ask.

'Leave Dilara alone.' He replies, picking up a knife from the table.

'What?' I ask.

'You heard me,' he says.

'No.' I reply.

'Pity,' he says. He grabs my hand and puts the end of the knife underneath one of my nails.

He digs it deeper and I grunt in pain. My nail pops off and blood gushes down my finger.

'How about now?' He asks.

'Go kill yourself.' I spit.

He grabs another one of my fingers, and repeats what he just did. I bite down on my tongue, making sure I don't let myself make a sound.

I won't let him have the pleasure of knowing that I'm in pain.

'This is clearly not getting us anywhere.' The bodyguard says.

The man in front of me, puts down the knife and picks up a remote control.

'What if we told you that Dilara has moved on?' He asks. 'I mean after all, you are dead.'

He presses a button on the remote and a screen turns on.

Images of Dilara hugging Xuan, spending time with him alone and shopping for baby clothes with him come onto the screen.

He's comforting her, he's making her laugh, and he's cheering her up.

'No,' I whisper.

'What about this?' He asks.

More pictures come on the screen of a football tournament. Dilara's asleep with her head on Kai's lap, and he's stroking her arm. Aiden moves and drapes a jacket over her, she's smiling and laughing.

God I've missed her laugh.

'And you might want to see this,' he says.

He puts on a video of Raphael and Dilara in the park. They're on a bench together and he's leaning in closer and closer.

'I think you understand what I mean now,' he says, turning off the screen. 'How can you blame her? No note, no text, no sign of your survival.'

I hang my head. She's moved on, she's happy.

'So back to what I said earlier, we will let you go unscathed but you have to leave Dilara alone.' The man says.

He walks towards me and lifts my head up.

'Well we'll let you out, a little unscathed,' he laughs.

'Fine,' I reply. 'I'll do it.'

Forgive me pazza.

'Perfect.' He beckons for the bodyguard, who takes away my chains. 'Now that wasn't so hard was it?'

I see the gun in his pocket. I need that gun.

I walk past him and he puts a hand out stopping me.

'Don't try anything, because we'll find out.' He says. I look him straight in the eyes and take the gun from his pocket.

I grab him from the collar of his shirt and pull him in front of me.

The body guard raises his gun ready to shoot. I place the gun to this mans temple.

'Drop your weapon or this asshole is gone.' I snarl.

He listens to me and throws his gun down. I immediately shoot him, and then hit this man in his nerve spot next to his neck, nocking him out.

I grab some more guns off the table and search around the dark room. I feel a doorknob and try to open the door.

It's locked.

I run back to the unconscious man, and check his pockets. He has a single key which must lead out of here.

I unlock the door and run out. There's a single silver Toyota Camry parked outside.

I wasn't at their base, this is a random abandoned facility.

I get into the car, but the keys aren't in it.

Thank god Alessandro taught me how to hot wire a car.

The car starts and I start driving it.

I need to get to Milan. I need to speak to Vittoria, she can help me.

I need to be able to at least look at Dilara one more time.

I don't know what their reactions are going to be, but I hope Vittoria helps me.

I'm going to catch a flight to Milan tonight.

You guys probably don't hate me idk. But you're welcome!

Spotify playlist:
Have a nice day!

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