Reverse instilation part 1.5

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The sun has risen and the sky is clear. That's the only thing clear in polis. The streets are covered in blood that pools in the cracks of stones and under the crosses adorned with bodies. Roan has placed a gag in my mouth and loosely bound my wrists. The familiarity is comforting yes terrifying. Last time Roan led me through these streets i was blind to Allie's corruption. Lexa was alive and i hated her. I hadn't seen my friends in months. I didn't know Roan, life was simple and bland. Now my life is exciting and dangerous, but also terrifying. Fearing every day may be your last, every friend you see may turned foe by the corruption and influence peace has over a person. Maybe if i had taken the key I would have finally known true peace, but I know I'm glad I didn't.

"Your people better be in position." I would try to speak but i have a gag in my mouth, again. "When this is over, Ontari will know you helped her. You have my word." All I can do is nod along to his words and hope they are true and that his word is worth more than i think.

As we reach the center of the city, the people are kneeling on the ground. I look over to the sewage lines where a flashlight blinks. I nudge roan and he nods curtly. He gazes at me softly.

"Here we go." Roan mutters to me as he holds up the flame and stands in the center of the circle of people. "I am Roan, king of Azgeda. And I have what the commander seeks." Roan circles me while he speaks.

The people stand and a wave of danger falls over us. I instinctively step closer to Roan and ready my hands to slip free and grab the closest weapon.

"I don't like what I'm sensing. So, if she wants it, she can come me to me."

The people continue to surround us and my heart jumps. I press my back closer to Roans and my body seems to vibrate with energy, the possibility of a battle. The crowd splits and Jaha walks through the carved path bade by his followers.

"Hello, Dhara. Abby and Marcas will be so pleased to see you."

"Who are you, where's Ontari?"

"Not coming out. But you can give the flame to me. Ill be sure she gets it."

Roan closes his fist over the flame and presses closer to me. I feel his hands loosening the rope around my wrists. My gut wrenches and i ready my hands to fight.

"Your friends in the tunnel cant help you." Jaha says, following my gaze.

My head snaps to him, dread overwhelming my chest.

"Now give me the flame."

I hear Roan unsheath his sword and the cool metal is pressed firmly gains my neck. I gasp through the gag and wonder, what the hell are you thinking, Roan. His hand holds my tightly to him.

"Back up, or she dies."

"Save the theatrics, we know your together. We know everything."

"Then you know she's the only one who can activate the flame."

"Your right, we need her alive."

"Run." Roans voice is soft in my ears. He tugs me in the direction he runs and my legs work fast.

"But we don't need you." Marcs stands with a gun in his hand.


Marcas squeezes the trigger and Roan falls.

"NO!" I yell.

I dive beside him and place him on his side. Blood pours from his mouth and i hold his head in my hands. Tears run down my cheek as my blood rushes in my ears. Roan coughs and groans.

"No you cant leave me." I order. "You are not dying, not today."

I feel hands clawing at my arms, attempting to pull me away. Instinct kicks in and I throw my arms around Roan. I mold tight but eventually they pry me away. Roan struggles to crawl to me but his attempts are meaningless. They drag my screaming and thrashing form. Over the stone.

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