Reverse instiliation part 2

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I sit on the balcony, my knees drawn up to my chest. My heart thuds dully in my chest as i stare into the sun. The heat warms my face and i remember my first day on the ground. I couldn't do anything but lay in a field and make shapes from the clouds, pick flowers and live in pure bliss. I would give my life to feel that way again.

Images of Roan flash in my eyes. Back at Arcadia, when he touched me, teased me. When he kissed me, when we met. His crystal blue eyes, everywhere in my mind. The image of his death, playing over and over again in my head. The doors burst open and I spin around. Bellamy, Pike, Octavia, and Murphy all rush in with their guns raised.

"No, its okay. I used the EMP, she's back." The rest of the conversation fades when I see Abby awake, seated next to Clarke.

"Abby?" I ask softly, my voice hoarse.

Abby stands and whirls around. Tears flow down her cheeks as her face crumples into regret and pain. She slowly walks towards me.

"Dhara, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

I ignore her apologies and throw my arms around her. Tears of my own stood into her shoulder. My body wants to go limp, to rest but i force my body to stand, to latch on to Abby.

"It's okay, its not your fault." I push Abby away and address a concern.

"Is the floor secure."

"For now, Jaha and the guards are tied up in a bedroom." Belabor assures.

"We took out the elevator and the ladder on our way up. The stairs are collapsed, no ones following us." Pike says.

"Good then we have time." Clarke says.

"What we don't have is a way down."  Murphy offers,

'Time for what?" Bellamy asks.

"An assention ceremony."

"Ascension? You just said Ontari wasn't an option. Plus she's still chipped and we no longer have an EMP."

"We're not putting the flame in Ontari's head. We're putting it In mine."

"Wait, you want to do a total blood transfusion?" I ask her.

"Not exactly."

"Mount Weather?" Abby asks Clarke.

"Yes, and all the swings we need are in your med kit."

"No its too dangerous, there are too many variables."

"But no options."

"Whatever your doing, you better do it fast." Octavia says, coming in the room.

"Why what happened?" Bellamy asks.

"Their climbing."

We all rush to the balcony to see the people with ladders scaling the building.

'Great," I mutter.

"I have to do this." Clarke says to Abby.

"Okay. I'll help you."

We rush back inside to begin. Clarke sits in Lexa's throne. Thoughts run through my head a million miles an hour. Abby puts the needle to Clark's arm and i am entranced at how steady her hands become when she works. Abby inserts the needle in Clarks arm.

"Balcony's greased." Pike says, setting down the keg of oil. "No ones getting in through here."

"Good there's enough lamp oil on this floor to cover everywhere except the commander's chambers." Bellamy states.

"Good, then that's where the fighting starts. We dig in there."

Pike and a few others leave. Abby smiles at me sadly before turning to Bellamy.

My Warrior || Roan X OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum