Excerpt #2

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I stare--gaping like fish--at the castle in front of me. The walls are made of cascading waterfalls and the towers are made of snow-covered mountain tops. A design that shouldn't be physically possible, but through magic or miracle, it is.

It's my father's castle. At least that's what the advisors who came to my humble cottage to bring me to my destiny told me.

This is my destiny. I can sense it. A deep howling in my bones. This is where I belong.

"Are those capybaras?" I asked and point toward where the water from above hit the surface below.

A horde of brown animals, shaped like the potatoes I grew on the farm back home and with fur like the hay I feed the livestock, frolick in the peaceful pond. They look relaxed, without a care in the world.

I wish I just for a moment could be that relaxed. But I have a lot on my plate lately, with the newly earned prince title and everything. Apparently, it's my duty to rally the armies of these lands and march on the capital to take the throne. Oh, and also I need to talk to someone called the Fairy Queen who will reveal my destiny to me. So my schedule is kind of overbooked for the foreseeable future. No frolicking for me.

My closest advisor Joaquin nods. "These animals are sacred in our lands," he explains. "Your father made sure they were always taken care of. He always had a special liking for them. Servants go down to the pond and feed them fruit daily."

Maybe one day, when I'm not so busy, I can go down there myself as well.

But right now, I need to claim my father's castle. Water drops cascade above my dark curls as I walk across the bridge that will take me inside. I readjust my shirt right before we enter the courtyard. It has trumpeting sleeves that I keep dipping into food as I try to eat. Apparently, this kind of shirt is the highest fashion in my father's lands. A white brimmed had adorned with peacock feather have been placed atop my head by my advisors. They tell me this will signal my true heritage.

I think it's mainly just obscuring my vision. But I'm just a simple farmer, so what do I know about fashion or displays of royal heritage?

Spires of silver and gold meet me inside. Bright gemstones sparkle on the walls. The courtyard takes my breath away. Never have I seen such extravagance. This is certainly different than the dirt and dust from my past. Every inch of the shimmering walls must be polished daily.

How many servants do this castle actually have? Certainly a lot for a castle with no current ruler. I mean it does have designated capybara feeders.

"You look just like him," a man in front of me says. He sink to his knees--which makes the gemstones in his beard his the golden tiles below--and reached his hand toward me. "You must be the prince. Our savior. I'm Lord Marasca, the castellan of this castle. Welcome to the castle of Eldorado."

It's unclear what this prosperous castle made from waterfalls, valuable metal, and shimmering stones needs to be saved from, but who am I to argue with the man?

"I am the prince," I say, the words feeling weird on my tongue. Needing some strength, I look down and take a deep breath. Then I adjust the peacock feathers on my hat and look up, proud and confident. "I'm Prince Ramon of Eldorado. I've come to claim my castle and my armies."

"The castle and armies are yours, my Prince," the man replies.

Faceclaim (ONC 2022, Completed, Shortlisted)Where stories live. Discover now