Epilogue: 6 months later

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I look out over the fields. The potato crop is good this year. Having the ability to turn into a capybara has helped me since in animal form I can turn the dirt over more efficiently. I've employed a horde of my brethren for the dirty work. Luckily, lounging in the mud is just good old capybara fun.

My niece runs around among the sprouting potato plants. She's happy to have her uncle back on the farm and to have everything be back to normal.

Truth is, so am I. I missed the farm. I even missed the too-short pants and shirt with buttons missing. I missed the bed I had to get up from too early every morning. I missed the mirror showing my imperfect reflection.

A messenger came from the capital the other day with a letter from my father. He wanted me to rethink my decision and come join him in the capital. He would make me his heir, he said, and marry me to a beautiful princess from afar.

I turned down the offer. That life isn't for me. I'm no prince or ruler. I have no interest in beautiful princesses, although I have to admit my heart skips a bit when thinking of Marianna from the next farm over. She's a pretty girl with hands poxed from milking cows every morning.

Ramon Ortega is but a simple farmboy and he's proud of it.


The applause cascaded across the theater as Daniel did his last stage bow of the night. While he walked off the stage and away from the spotlights, the cheers still rung in his ears, and the heat from the limelight burned his cheeks. Acting was truly addictive.

He slumped down on a chair in the dressing room to catch his breath. This premier night had been like nothing else he'd ever experienced before. When he walked upon the stage as a modern reincarnation of Hamlet, he'd felt more alive than ever. He'd felt like he was finally right where he belonged. He wasn't just a pretty boy spouting cringe lines, but a respected part of an ensemble who was acting out the words of the most respected play-writer in the world.

After his recent--still unexplained--experiences, he couldn't bear to take another badly written line between his lips. Only Shakespeare would do to undo the damage.

"Uncle Danny!" his thoughts were interrupted as the door flew open and a red-haired whirlwind with a stuffed capybara under her arm entered. "You were great! Although I did fall asleep after the first act..."

Will climbed into his lap and flung her little arms around his neck. The embrace warmed more than the spotlights hitting the stage.

"I told you she wasn't old enough to appreciate Shakespeare just yet," Danny told his sister, who just walked through the door as well.

"Well, she insisted on wanting to see her uncle," Tina retorted. She bent over to ruffle her brother's hair, now once again clearly shimmering in copper tones. "You were great by the way, Danny."

"Thank you, sis." Daniel beamed at the compliment. His sister was always skeptical and realistic, not exactly one prone to complimenting her younger brother. So he took the kind words to heart.

"You really were," Vanessa added, who entered followed by a handsome Latino man. "I'm glad I turned down the part of Captain Universe for you. Because this is where you belong."

Vanessa had been angry at him at first for once again dissing the contract signing, but at least he told her about his decision to instead attend his niece's birthday party. And a few weeks later, once she'd stopped fuming, she'd forgiven her client and agreed to help him get a stage acting gig.

The modern Hamlet production at Edinburgh Playhouse had been the first role he auditioned for. Daniel couldn't believe the news when Vanessa told him he got the main part. Apparently, the director had been impressed by his stage presence and ability to become one with the character he portrayed.

"Hi, darling," Ramon greeted Daniel. His boyfriend placed a kiss on still sweaty lips. 

After dating long-distance for a few months, as Ramon resided in Amsterdam, they would finally live in the same city from now on as Ramon had arranged a transfer to the airline's Edinburgh branch. Eventually, the plan was for Ramon to study agriculture--his true passion in life--at the city's prestigious university. Together they would live in Daniel's drafty apartment in the old parts of town, and on weekends they would drive out to the moors on the countryside where Tina, Willa, and the bunnies resided. It was all too perfect to be true.

But it wasn't a dream, unlike the weird memories from the forgotten nights in Amsterdam. Daniel tried to not dwell on those memories, but sometimes he couldn't help but wonder. What if it had been real after all? That's when he looked at that tuft of hair that he'd found in the drawer of his hotel room.

With his sister and Ramon closed beside him, and Willa in his lap, Daniel rejoiced in the embrace of his loved ones. They were what mattered. And regardless of what had happened in Amsterdam, it had brought him here.

"Oh, and I got a script for you," Vanessa blurted out. "It's for a Netflix movie and based on a story from one of those popular writing platforms."

"I don't do movies anymore," Daniel grunted in reply.

"But they asked for you specifically. Can't you at least read it?"

She handed him a stack of neatly stapled papers. Daniel threw one look at them and nausea welled up in his throat.

"The Bastard Prince and the Fairy Queen," the cover read. Just like in the distant dream.

"What... how?" he stuttered. "Who wrote this?"

Vanessa shrugged. "I don't know. It won a contest on the site. Apparently, it was included in the terms and conditions that the author gave up their moral rights to the story. So the author isn't involved. Why do you care?"

"I don't..." Daniel mumbled and shook his curls to clear his head. "And I'm not interested. They'll have to find someone else to play Prince Ramon this time."

Vanessa gave him a weird look in reply. "I didn't tell you the name of the prince..."

With that, Daniel stood up--with Willa still latched on him--and took his own Ramon's hand. "Let's get out of here," he said. "Let's go celebrate together. With strawberries and champagne!"

"I want strawberries!" Willa piped up in his arms.

"I wouldn't mind some champagne," Ramon chimed in and gave Daniel a kiss on the cheek.

Daniel Shephard may never have become Captain Universe. But he was a man who followed his dreams, a man who was in love, and a man who was always there for his family, and he was darn proud of it.

The end

Faceclaim (ONC 2022, Completed, Shortlisted)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora