A Chance 🖤

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Xavier's pov:

I sat on the bed beside her.
"Yes, I work as a Freelance Engineer. Definitely a software one . I create apps, websites, webpages, etc. for clients.
I have been freelancing from my college days. Doing small freelancing jobs, was how I survived my college and some extra courses that I joined.
After completing my graduation and getting my degree, my parents never allowed me to do a job.

They thought that if I get independent and start making my own money, I will stop listening to them and do as I wish. They didn't want me to be independent. But, I worked as a freelancer taking utmost care that they do not find out what I do.
So, when you asked me or I should say when you blamed me of being a burden on first my parents and then you, it was not true.
I was never a burden on my parents . I agree that they gave me allowance every month. But, if you look at the amount, then that was insufficient even for my cab fare.

Let me just clarify you one thing that even if it's mentioned in the contract that you would pay me every month , I don't need that . I have my own money on which I can very well survive. You don't need to pay me a single penny for being your wife . In fact, I am the one who should pay you for letting me stay at your mansion. Every month, I would pay you a reasonable rent for letting me stay here and eating food." Maya said.

"I'm very very very sorry again for whatever I called you before. You can never be a burden on someone. I don't know what came up on me that I said those things to you. I will never be able to forgive myself for that. I am very sorry." I apologized to her feeling guilty of my words.

"I didn't tell you all this because I wanted an apology from you. I just wanted to clarify your doubt regarding John and show you the mirror of my independence. I wanted to tell you that I do work and earn for my own. I am not a burden or a gold digger who would survive on someone else's hard work.
Besides , we decided yesterday that we will let go of all the bad things. So, let's just them be in the past. I want to start a new fresh life ahead."

"Yeah. You're right. Let go of all the things in the past.
But one thing is for sure that you won't pay me anything. One doesn't pay for staying and eating in his own house. I have clarified you enough that this is your place . You don't have to pay for this and as far as the contract is concerned, I made that contract and I have that power to not give a damn about it. I will cancel that clause in the contract with states that I have to pay you every month. I know that it tampers your self respect. So, I won't pay you anything . "

"Thanks." She said smiling.

I stayed in Maya's room for some more time working on my project. Later Mimi came and that was my cue to leave the room. She is going to give a bath to Maya. I decided to conduct certain meetings till the time Mimi was there with Maya.

I had given Maya's schedule to Mimi. She told me that she would take proper care of Maya while I focus on my work.
I was still tracking every update about Maya from time to time. Mimi was constantly telling me about everything.
It was about the time for lunch. I decided to cross check a document and then move towards the dining table for lunch.

"Done with your work Mr. Workaholic?"
It was Lucas. As usual , he entered without knocking. That's how we both are . We never knock before entering each other's room.

"Yeah I am almost done . Just 5 minutes more."
He waited on the couch till I finished my work.

" I am done. Did you have lunch? I was just going to get that." I asked him.
"I had my lunch at home only . I came to talk to you about Maya."
I then remembered that, he must have come to take Maya home with him. For the first time, I didn't know what to talk to my best friend.

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