Her Broken Self🖤

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Xavier's pov:

Both Maya and her father signed the termination papers.

"It was a pleasure working with you Mr. Adams." Her father said, handing over the file back to me. "Now that the contract is officially terminated, you can leave Maya here." He said and looked at Maya. "You can go back to your room, Maya."

Her hold over my hand tightened and I could see her taking deep breaths. I give her palm a gentle squeeze and blinked my eyes to assure her that everything will be alright. She give me a light smile and turned towards her father who had a confused look on his face seeing us.

"I'm not staying here Dad." That's it! Maya dropped the bomb.

"What do you mean by you are not staying here?" Her mother, who I didn't know was standing near the end of the living room, yelled.

Author's pov:

Maya let out a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen her body movements. She was walking like a clockwork soldier and that was no way to be in this house. She gave her shoulders a wiggle and let her stride slacken to a more closer distance to her father. It was a decent effort, enough to fool the casual observer, that she is fine. But, deep down only she knew how much freaked out she is. Her eyes moved with the alertness that comes from heavy stress and her hands remained clenched by subconscious situation.

"What I mean by I'm not staying here , is I AM NOT STAYING HERE." She said stressing each word. Silence of her parents her explain it more.

"I won't beat around the bush. I love Xavier and I'm going to marry him soon. This time because I want. Not because of any deal." She said, clear enough for her parents to understand.

"Come again?" Her father, though didn't shout or raise his voice but, everyone in there knew that this isn't going to end well.

The air in the room became so brittle that it could snap, and if it didn't, Xavier might. The tension in the room was so intense that it could be cut by a knife.

"I said that I love..." Before Maya could complete her sentence, her father angrily stood up from the chair and held Maya by her elbows.

"How dare you? How dare you take any decision? You aren't allowed to do that girl. Did you forget that?" Maya whinced in pain and that was the trigger for Xavier.

"Leave her Mr. Jones." Xavier gritted his teeth.

"Don't interrupt in our personal matters Mr. Adams. This is my family and I'm allowed to do whatever I want." He said, looking straight into the devil's eyes.

"As long as Maya is concerned, EVERYTHING IS MY PERSONAL." Xavier copied his tone.

Shock of Xavier's words brought a quietness within Mr. Jones.

It took a moment for Maya to feel her emotions change their gear and girder her soul for what is to come.

Seeing that the thunderous staring between her father and Xavier is getting worse, Maya stepped ahead.

"I know that according to you, I have no right to take my decisions. But, I'm an adult Dad. I can and I will decide for myself. And, I have decided that Xavier is what I need and what I want. I want to...." Before she could complete her sentence, her hand automatically went to her cheek, feeling the burning sensation of her mother's slap.

Xavier quickly rushed to her and held her firmly.

"Mind me Mrs. Jones, I don't raise my hands over a lady. Otherwise you'd have been begging me to leave you be alive by now." Xavier used his most venomous tone that made Mrs. Jones flinch.

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