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Maya's pov:

After one month-

Right now, I'm sitting with Lucas in Liam's cabin, waiting for him to come with my reports. Today, I got my plasters removed from my hand and leg. It felt really nice to be free from the cases.

Liam came with some papers in his hands, which I assume to be my reports.
"Your reports are here, Maya." He said.
Both me and Lucas sat straight on the chair, curious to know my progress.

"I've got the X-rays of your leg and hand. They are so far, perfectly fine. But, you need to make sure that you don't put pressure on your leg . You need to remember that , your leg had no movement from the past 40 days. It would need time of approximately 2-3 days for it, to function normally like before."
I nodded.

"And what about her hand Liam?" Lucas asked.
"That's perfectly fine Lucas. She will face a slight difficulty in moving it for few hours from now. But, that's not due to some problem. It'll be because of her lack of movement of her hand from the past days. It must have happen to lose the habit of moving. But, that'll be perfectly fine within next few hours.
And as far as her clot surgery is concerned, that was perfectly fine. So, you wouldn't have to face any glitch regarding that." Liam explained us.

"Thank you so much Liam. If it wasn't you, then I would have never been so fine. You really did a lot in this past month. Although, you had your schedule really busy, you still made time to look after me. Thanks for that and for everything."

Liam smiled at me and said, "First of all, it's my duty as a doctor. And next thing, you're my sister. As a brother, I would do this or even more. "

"Actually, sometimes I feel that we need to thank you Maya. Because of you, we got to know it feels to have a sister. Right, Liam?" Lucas said.

"Very right Lucas. Maya, you've brought a different sparkle into our lives. You've added on the family in the most amazing way. Because of you, I even got close to these guys. What couldn't happen in college, happened after your arrival. You brought me close enough to this family that I can call them my family now." Liam poured out.
I was really touched by Liam and Lucas' words.

"You're right Liam. She is really a gem.
I think, we should get going now. Dan and Daisy are waiting for you at home. Liam , you were coming with us, right?" Lucas said.

"Yeah. I'm coming. Just give me some minutes to hand over the work to some other doctor."
We were waiting for Liam in the parking lot of the hospital. Suddenly, Lucas looked at me.

"Don't you miss Xavier? Honestly, I know you do. But, I want to hear it from you."
"How many times will you ask me the same question Lucas?"
I was now irritated with this question. Everyone asks me the same thing every now and then.

"Till the time you don't answer it." Lucas said looking straight into my eyes as if he won't let go off this matter now.
" I don't want to talk about this Lucas. I'm tired."
"That phase when you used to use your health as an excuse to run away from this question is passed."
"Whatever!" I said and looked away.

"It's fine then. I thought of doing this for a while now . But, looking at your health, I didn't want to give you any stress. Now that you're completely fine, I guess, you can survive on your own. You don't need a brother now."
I was shocked listening to Lucas'words and turned around to see him walking towards the car.

I somehow managed to reach him and hugged him from the back.
"Where are you going? Are you leaving me? You can't do that Lucas. You know that I got attached to you guys a lot in the last month. I won't be able to handle the distance."

"But, what's the use of staying by each other when you don't consider me your family?"

I turned him around and looked straight in his eyes that showed hurt.
"It's not true. You mean more than anything to me. I don't have a real brother. But, I'm sure that even if I had one, I would still have loved you and Liam more than him.
Where did I go wrong Lucas? What made you accuse me with such a hurtful thing?" I asked him.
My eyes prickled with tears by now.

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